how come...

How come he isn't in any Judd Apatow movies? A bunch of other Freaks and Geeks alum have been and are going to be (not saying all, but quite a few). I'd like to see him in one.


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I was thinking the exact same thing.


As was I.


Yeah, come on Judd...get with it.


I wonder the same thing, but I've assumed Judd doesn't like him. I think if he did, he would have at least had a cameo by now.

You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


I'm thinking Judd Apatow movies are very trendy right now. But all trends must end at some point. In the IMDB trivia for John, it says he made a move that established him as a television actor. If he jumps into movies on a trend, and it dies on him, then he didn't really establish himself in movies. I think he's smarter than that and if he should choose to move on to the silver screen, he'll pick something more classic, so it will have a lasting effect.

"Be kind to everyone you meet, you never know what kind of battles they're fighting."


I think it's a much more basic reason, age difference. John is much younger than the rest of the FnG cast & crew. Even though a few were only 3yrs older, that's a big difference between 14 & 17.


Not between 23 and 26 though.
