MovieChat Forums > Pete Davidson Discussion > Pete Davidson being eyed as 2022 Oscars ...

Pete Davidson being eyed as 2022 Oscars host


who care about oscars?!? i havent watched that shit since i was a kid well over a decade ago


All award shows days are numbered. Golden Globes are history. They can throw out the rest of them too. They were always narcissistic, self-congratulatory, over-glitzed glory fests.


yeah its all just a libturd circle jerk


He's perfect. Hosts for the Oscars, Academy Awards, etc. have been completely unfunny douchebags for at least a decade, with one very notable exception.


What are the Oscars?


What would be the point?


I'm surprised he would accept the job if they make him dress "normal", like in a tuxedo. I've never seen him dressed in anything other than off-the-wall, attention-seeking, ugly or oversized, saying "look at me, LOOK AT ME, I-SAID-LOOK-AT-ME-DAMMIT!"

I can't stand the guy. Maybe him doing a total belly-flop in front of a national audience will finally put an end to his fame. And hopefully that ends all of the Hollywood Hotties chasing him too! So unfair to all of us "not ugly" guys.


No way it'll happen!

The guy is a loon, he can't be trusted to keep his shit together on live national TV for 3 hours. Still, if they go ahead, I do like a trainwreck...


Not a chance. He has a terrible on stage presence.
