MovieChat Forums > Eliza Dushku Discussion > is her career over ?

is her career over ?

I would say so.


I'm sure she'll be back in Bring It On 3D.


At least we don't have to see her in any more episodes of Bull.


Yes, that's why she had to feign being a victim of sexual misconduct because she knows her time is up and needs a payday. She makes me sick.


I don't have a clue, but I do know that anyone who hires her knowing how easily triggered she is will deserve what they get...


I hope she spends the money wisely.


She's really not that great of an actress.She's easy on the eyes and watchable but her talent is mediocre.If not for Whedons Buffy which made her a household name she wouldn't be getting employed nearly as much.At least not in starring roles.


The underwriters of the productions will have the final say on if she is hired. They will look at the settlement and decide she is a large risk and set the premiums too high or even say they can't cover the production if she is hired.


She's hot. Hot people get work.

Though she's probably never acknowledged that in her privileged travels, only whined about it.


She has aways been a mediocre overhyped actress. Her "hotness" is overrated.
