Great actor

I have to admit I couldn't stand his face at first when I saw him the first time, maybe it's the high cheekbones don't know but the more I see him in films, especially after the great gatsby, he is one brilliant actor and now I love seeing everything he's in.


I agree he’s one of my favourites.

Also feel quite an affinity with him since we were born 7 days and 20kms apart, AND we went to the same university. Not that I ever met him, but I still think we’d be on the same wavelength from all interviews I’ve seen with him.

Always look forward to Joel’s new projects.


No, he totally rubs me the wrong way.


Agreed. I thought he was excellent in Loving and that's when I started noticing him. I suspect his problem, if you can call it that, is that he disappears in to the role so deeply you don't recognise him from film to film.


He's in a lot of stuff I like. He makes movies for grown ups


Good actor. Been good in pretty much every role I've seen him in.
