MovieChat Forums > Ethan Embry Discussion > Is Ethan on drugs or something? He's st...

Is Ethan on drugs or something? He's still 'hot' but...

He's still a very sexy man and talanted actor, but is he on some sort of illegal substances? The reason I ask is because he looks a lot older than 27, and he always has these undereye circles and bags....don't get me wrong, the man is drop dead sexy but what is your guy's opinion?


yeah you're right but I wouldn't automatically suspect drugs... it could be some sort of genetic thing, some guys just look older than they are.

do not let your tongue be as a flag, flapping in the wind of every rumor


Someone wise in the business once said that being an actor is to have the disease of having to look perfect constantly.

he always has these undereye circles and bags

Those have been there for a long while. They sometimes indicate a breathing problem. I'm sure smoking doesn't help 'em.


Freakosity is a very vast subject.


I'm 18, but people at my work always tell me that I look like I'm 30. I just get stressed easily (resulting in wrinkles) and I'm also an insomniac, so I don't get enough sleep (dark circles: I'm so pale that the cirlces stand out so much, and I look like I've been in a fight) and always look haggard...I think. I don't know how to spell that word. Either way, that was a bit of a run on sentence!


Hey, you need to take good care of yourself.


I don't think he looks that much older than 27. I just saw him yesterday in person.


this is gonna sound AWFUL but is he looking well?

Cos last time i saw him ws in like...Brotherhood and he was still adorable but he was lookin....heavy and kinda strung out and just like he wasnt taking the best care of himself.

I love him, and think he's an incredible actor and the like so im not asking this in a mean way, i just dont like to think he might be letting the roles he deserves pass him by in image focused Hollywood and the like

'You should be careful what you say...Damn is more than just a word'


That's where I saw him actually. He was working on Brotherhood. He supposed to look a little rough for the character. But he doesn't act strung out and in bad shape off camera. Behavior kind of goes along with appearance. At one point in the day he has a shiner around his eye that you would swear was real. So you can't always go by looks especially on a set. Behavior shows a lot. And he wasn't acting "off"


oh i get that he has to look a certain way for the role, and if thats all it is then coolie =)

Good to hear he sounds like he's doing alright then.

THe main reason i ask is i remember a few years ago(though where i heard i cant say for the life of odd...) any way, that he sometimes suffered bouts of depression so...

'You should be careful what you say...Damn is more than just a word'
