MovieChat Forums > Chris Evans Discussion > Omaze - Escape with Chris Evans

Omaze - Escape with Chris Evans

Wow, Chris is doing an Omaze for Christopher's Haven. Now's your chance Bssm to share beer with Chris!

Escape with Chris Evans

From stealing the answers to the SAT in The Perfect Score to fighting his way through a train of horrors in Snowpiercer, when it comes to escape, few have more experience than Chris Evans. Now, Chris is inviting you and three friends to join him in what could be one of his most action-packed adventures yet: a custom escape room in Boston. You could solve a murder, get locked up in a haunted house, rob a bank or maybe even solve a murder in a haunted bank. No matter the narrative, it’s going to be a night you’ll never forget, complete with scares, laughs, and celebratory burgers and beer. Flights and hotel are on us.

You and a friend will:

Assemble and join Chris Evans for the escape room adventure of a lifetime
Celebrate your escape (or soothe your sorrows) with burgers and beer
Get flown out to Boston and put up in a 4-star hotel


Now's your chance Bssm to share beer with Chris!
What a great idea. 

To be honest, with my run of luck nowadays I think I'd get on the wrong plane and end up in Greenland. Actually, come to think of it, I quite fancy Greenland!

"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.


Win Win!! 

In case any one was wondering - it's worldwide eligible.

Omaze ‏@omaze 3h ago

@youtubsic Fans around the world can enter! Flights and hotel for the winner are on us too.


So what do you reckon, Mr B? You gonna go for it? Chance of a life time!


Well, the real question is what am I doing up at 02:00? I've been to see Dr Strange in 3D IMAX. My soul is shaken. OK that was over the top. It was really amazing. I wasn't sure about Cumberbatttchhee casting wise but he was perfect. Re-run of what was said about Christopher, in fact.

Back to your question. No. I won't. I've given to C. Haven in the past and I will again but 2 things hold me back from this adventure. One is that if I actually won I'd feel guilty that a teenage girl was crying into her pillow with disappointment. Blame my Catholic upbringing. The other is that if I ever meet The Evans it would have to be on a basis that we're equal. I love him because his artistry has touched my heart at a wavelength unique to his way of doing things. Also I know there are things he's done that I haven't done and couldn't ever do. But there are things I can do that he can't and there are aspects of my life which have been more successful than his. So it's man to man, equal to equal or not at all. I'm not meeting him because it's a prize I've won. I'll meet him when he wants to meet me, which according to my trusty timepiece will be a quarter past never.

Time for someone to start a thread about the Critics' Choice nominations!!

"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris


So it's man to man, equal to equal or not at all.
I always suspected you were insane and now I have the proof!! 


I donated and entered, no chance of winning but who cares, it's still in a good cause..


no chance of winning but who cares
Well, one thing is for sure. SOMEBODY is going to win and it's as much a chance of being you as anybody else. Good luck!


I'm not meeting him because it's a prize I've won.

Think of the prize as a free plane trip to and 4 star hotel accommodation in Boston for you and three friends to play a fun game. Chris isn't the prize, he's just someone with whom you have to share the game and then later burgers and beer. It's not ideal but there are draw backs to most prizes. 😣

Omaze underestimated how many people want Chris to record their voice mail message. It probably should have been at the largest level - and more than 5 - because they're already down to just one and there's more than 6 weeks to go. 
