His best role?

I like him very good as an actor, and I think he could really fly with great characters. That being said, I think his best so far is Sunshine. Anyone agree?


Hard to beat Sunshine but he was particularly good in Puncture too. All his roles have been so different that it's hard to choose one. He's never been bad in any film.


I have not seen puncture; I will have to check it out. Agreed, Sunshine in particular stands out to me because I enjoyed the cast as an ensemble and he stuck out the most. That performance had some depth and dimension


Hard to beat Sunshine but he was particularly good in Puncture too. All his roles have been so different that it's hard to choose one.
I agree, Sunshine and Puncture (or Injustice as it's known here in the UK) are both good. Snowpiercer is another brilliant performance, especially in that last scene.
I also enjoyed What's Your Number? and Playing It Cool.

He's never been bad in any film.
No, but he's been in bad films! :)

I will admit that I HATED Loss of a Teardrop Diamond, and wasn't convinced by his character in Street Kings either - but that wasn't really his fault.


Interesting. We've talked recently about which is our favourite film but which is his best role is slightly different.

I will admit that I HATED Loss of a Teardrop Diamond

I'm impressed you've seen it! Sign of a true fan. I quite liked it and it's nice to see him do period stuff.

I love all the roles mentioned so far. Snowpiercer, Sunshine, Puncture (it'll always be Puncture to me) etc are all great. Actually, no. My not so secret hate (to all of you who know me) is What's Your Number? My partner loves it and sitting through it for her is an act of love! Even Chris can't save that film for me. Except since I went to Boston I enjoy playing the 'been there' game. In terms of his role, I found it odd that he was playing such a slime ball in a personable way, it was weird but that was direction rather than acting. Btw has anybody ever read the book it was based on? The worst book I have ever read in my life. Ever. I'm not a big fan of Street Kings either! Too traumatic.

I love the fact that all his roles are so different and so it's only by watching all of them that you get an idea of who Chris is as an actor. Even though he's done a fair few comic book movies he's far from typecast as they're all so different too. I find it harder and harder now to choose a favourite. It's like parents with a child. You don't have a favourite, you love them all for what they are. Sorry, if that's a bit over the top. He genuinely has never put in a bad performance. As kakatie_2 said some of the films have been iffy but he's never put in a poor performance himself. Seriously believe that. He's always going to be remembered by most people for his Steve Rogers and I'm absolutely fine with that. He's owned that character. He IS Steve Rogers.

He's just The fvkking Evans! He Evanses every role his does.

"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.


I'm impressed you've seen it! Sign of a true fan. I quite liked it and it's nice to see him do period stuff.
Thank you! I don't know if I should admit to this but, with the exception of The Newcomers which I don't think was ever released on Blu-ray or DVD I now own a copy of every one of his movies.

I love the fact that all his roles are so different and so it's only by watching all of them that you get an idea of who Chris is as an actor. Even though he's done a fair few comic book movies he's far from typecast as they're all so different too. I find it harder and harder now to choose a favourite. It's like parents with a child. You don't have a favourite, you love them all for what they are. Sorry, if that's a bit over the top. He genuinely has never put in a bad performance.
Maybe that's why he chooses the roles he does? To avoid being typecast? He can go from Colin Shea to Curtis Everett and then to Steve Rogers and each performance is unique and he gives 100%. He may not be proud of all of them but I think each role was the right one at the right time and lead to where he is now.

We certainly appreciate them, even if he doesn't! :)

Despite the success of the MCU I still think that he's under-rated as an actor, and perhaps his earlier roles didn't help but one day I do think he'll get the recognition he deserves.

London is definitely the one to give to anyone who doubts about his talent. He was outrageously good. Another character you kind of want to punch in the face but that again is down to how well he did his job. Amazing.
I agree. It wasn't his performance in that movie that annoyed me, rather Jessica Biel's and Isla Fisher's. I don't like either of the characters they played.

I'm so looking forward to Gifted to see another side of him!


London! Regardless of how you like the film, he’s great in it. Snowpiercer too.
Trolls Need Not Apply


London is definitely the one to give to anyone who doubts about his talent. He was outrageously good. Another character you kind of want to punch in the face but that again is down to how well he did his job. Amazing.

"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.


I hated LONDON, but he was so very good in it. So very good.

Snowpiercer was dark, dirty (literally) and a little too violent for me but Chris was amazing in it. He does turmoil so well!

Puncture is one of my favorites. This one makes me realize how underrated he is in this business. WOW!

Loss of Tear Drop Diamond-- he is cute, movie is a mess.

LOVED Before we Go. Really loved it. Felt like I was watching Chris. All the other movies he is barely recognizable.

Hate Playing it Cool. What the heck??

Losers, who can't love Jensen. He is good as a techie nerd. Movie itself is nothing to write home about but his muscles made a good show and again a blond. Not attracted to blonds but I make the exception with Cap and Jensen. "Cats. Not to be trusted."
