MovieChat Forums > Chris Evans Discussion > Former vegetarian?

Former vegetarian?

Does anyone know when he quit that lifestyle and why?

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Sorry. Not ignoring this on purpose. I genuinely don't know. It's something I've read in occasional 'things you didn't know about ...." type lists. I'm guessing it may go back to his teens or early twenties when his interest in Eastern philosophies started and he had a stay in India.

Having said that when writers write about Chris they usually know less about him than the average fan and just google him, which ends up with them just all quoting each other.

~ Venceremos ~ :-)

"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.


???? how can i know this but you don't? remove your avatar, sir. ;)

it made him sick, so he stopped.

most people who are animal lovers sooner or later realize that eating a pig is not all that different from eating a dog, and why we consume one but not the other is entirely a historical accident. unfortunately, the technology to be completely vegetarian or vegan is not entirely "there" yet, and while some people can do it, others have difficulty and report a loss of well being, which is not replaced simply by consuming supplements that a purely vegetarian diet cannot provide. it's hardwired into us that we're omnivores, with a predominantly plant based diet because that's what was easiest to get.

some animals, like cats and owls, are obligate carnivores, and will get very ill if they don't eat meat (yes, some cat owners try to make their cats go vegetarian, apparently).


I bow before your knowledge! I need to do extra revision :-))

Anyway, that's enough about him. Let's talk about ME. I'm one of those hypocrites who's too lazy to make the leap. One of the loves of my life is my pet rabbit. She lives in the garden during the day, has the run of the kitchen and back room if she wants to come in and stays in her (open) hutch in the back porch at night. I tell you she has a personality! She'll come and put her paws on my feet if she wants something! She has moods! I'm doing this on my back door step on my iPad and she's just come running up and is now staring at me! And now she's licking my trousers. People eat rabbits!!!!!!!! It's murder! Sometimes I think I'll only feel easy with myself if I stop eating animals.

It's just like someone else I know who's still putting their 'attachment' to something first even though they know about the child who dreamt of playing (sorry, cryptic message to one person who will understand if they read this). I'm not judging because I'm just the same. QED. 'Attachments' to some things make you look the other way.

Eurh, why is 'love' such a couch potato?!

"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.


Hi, BssM84, I've seen you on this board, you are an ardent Chris Evans admirer/fan as it appears. Also, hilarious! Thanks for the response, regardless!

~El pueblo unido jamás será vencido~


you are an ardent Chris Evans admirer/fan
 I would say we ALL are.

"The movie came to life every time you were on the screen." Stan Lee to Chris Evans.


Ohhh. Thanks for the explanation!
As a vegan who only benefited from a plant-based diet (meat and dairy were really, really bad for my digestion), it upsets me to know of a fellow vegetarian or vegan giving up on their lifestyle but you're right. For some (like me) going vegan/vegetarian is the smartest and best choice ever they can do for their health (and environment, too, obviously).
People have different metabolic types, though. Some people need a diet high in carbs and for some, going low in protein or fat can even be lethal; at the very least upping the carbs intake would only make them miserable and fat and low energy.
Looking at Chris' physique, I can see why a vegetarian diet would make him sick. He looks like the type who actually needs meat as a part of their regular healthy diet. More on the omnivore side, definitely not the proverbial skinny fruitarian/vegan type. As long as the person is healthy, I say it doesn't matter what they eat. All these vegans saying meat eaters should die make me ashamed to be in the same community with them. Or making their pets go vegan - seriously, a dog?! A cat?! *eyeroll*

~El pueblo unido jamás será vencido~


Adding to what Beth said, I read too that in some article he said it made him sick, also many times he said he has a tendency to lose weight fast, like when he is shooting for the Cap films, he has to eat a lot of food and do a lot of lifting weights in the gym to keep all those muscles, and even then when he has to shoot stunts in the CA suit he loses weight easily.
As a vegetarian myself for 21 years now, I can say it's healthy lifestyle and I can do cardio exercises and it's perfect but I'm not trying to look like a bodybuilder for a movie, like actors do that they have to gain weight or lose it fast depending the role they play, and we all know that it is recommended meet as the biggest protein source to gain muscle mass.. so.


Agreed. I used to be low carb and very toned back in my omnivore days.
Being vegetarian/vegan makes it much harder to maintain muscle mass and tone, especially since plant protein isn't absorbed as well in our bodies as opposed to the one derived from animal sources. If Chris loses weight fast, he's an ectomorph (if I had to guess). Ectomorph without meat... Yeah, he would have real problem with gaining muscle if he were still vegetarian LOL.

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