her age

everyone seems obsessed with hewr age on this board but I do agree she looks closer to 40 then 30 maybe she is a drinker or a smoker that would age her pretty quickly


I really would´nt guess about 40. I would say pretty much close too her real age not younger or older.


People tend to project their own age insecurities onto actors and actresses. In modern times, people are more youth-obsessed than ever, so it is race to look as youthful and fresh-faced as possible for as long as you can. Notice how more people on the internet claim to look younger than older? People are so obsessed and insecure about this, when they see someone their own age not trying to look or act younger, their immediate reaction is, "Oh my god, he/she looks so much older than x age!"

Rebecca Ferguson has a mature-looking face, but it is not so hard to believe she is 32. I have seen many people around her age look similar or even older; thirty-two is young, but it is not the fresh-faced age all the insecure posters on here would have you think when lamenting that she looks so much older than she is.

Funny too how society deems women 30+ as old, yet when a 30-something actress actually looks mature, the youth-obsessed crowd can't stop attacking her for daring to look like an adult.


I was surprised to find out her age but she's gorgeous. Watching Rogue Nation I was thinking how nice it was that they cast a woman closer to Tom's age (I assumed she was about 40 but like Hollywood 40 who can spend a lot of money looking younger). It wasn't just her face but the way she carried herself that made me think she was more mature than early 30s. If I saw her in real life I probably would've assumed she was her actual age, and in still photos she looks younger. It's refreshing to see an actress who has some crow's feet and lines on her face who doesn't immediately fill them up. Actors should be able to move their facial features so good for her for not trying to look eternally in her 20s with no character to her face. I hate that there is a stigma against women over 30. We only think a woman is her most valuable for a third of her lifetime? It's sickening.


I think she looks a lot younger (and her real age) as a blonde. She looks great as a brunette but the darker hair ages her a lot, for some strange reason. I saw her in the White Queen and then later in Mission Impossible and didn't even recognize her until I saw the credits.

I have a friend who is in her mid-20s but looks at least decade older. And I have another friend who still gets carded, even to see R-rated movies, but she's 33 and has 2 kids. So I guess it just depends on how lucky you are...
