Wonder Woman

I posted this in the 'Wonder Woman' board, I thought I would post it here too.

I think Gal Gadot is going to make a great Wonder Woman even though a some people have their doubts. I was watching 'Collider Heroes' last night and Rob Gore talked with someone who saw Batman V Superman, he said Wonder Woman was a big surprise in the movie. So it looks promising for Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

However, after watching 'Rogue Nation' for another time last night I was picturing Rebecca Ferguson playing Wonder Woman and man that would've been awesome in my opinion. She has the look and she was kicking ass in Rogue Nation. It really was a 'superhero' kinda role where she 'saves' Tom Cruise quite a few times.

I thought I would write here to see what you guys think, Gal Gadot or Rebecca Ferguson?


I know it's too late, but damn, I think Rebecca Ferguson would've been a perfect Wonder Woman.
