was he always?

batshit crazy?


I mean, he was formally married to his cousin. He has been known to make many questionable decisions and if not for the good will the handling of 9/11 brought him, he would not be well-regarded as mayor of NYC.


The Increasingly Hilarious Tragedy of Rudy Giuliani


This may seem hard to believe, but there was a time when Rudy Giuliani was one of our country’s most admired public figures. In his prime, “America’s Mayor” inspired admiration and praise from both sides of the aisle for waging legal war with the mob and winning, cleaning up a crime-ravaged New York and leading his beloved city through the waking nightmare and enduring trauma of the 9/11 attacks and its endless shadow.

Of course that’s Giuliani’s self-serving version, one that ignores the central role racism and police brutality played in the creation of what is known as post-Giuliani New York. Then again Bill Cosby, Woody Allen and Louis CK all ranked high among our culture’s most esteemed public figures as well before their reputations took a turn.

The halo of tragedy protected Giuliani in the years following 9/11 but that was a long, long time ago, nearly two decades at this point. Even in a #MeToo era that has witnessed the downfall of many a formerly respected and powerful man, Giuliani’s tumble from grace is particularly dramatic and steep.


He got all his national traction from the CBS 60-Minutes piece on him as a strong fighter for anti-corruption. You have to know that to do a story based on his apparent purpose for entering government ... to foster corruption ... you have to now realize that what was called the Liberal media at the time ... CBS included was just playing along with the Right-wing Defense Industry Corporations that owned the media.


Of course. His 9/11 fame is only based on him riding the coattail of some true heroes.


You do know that before 911, he is credited for completely overhauling NYC and making it a decent city, right?


He did? That is so nice! And now he's a raging lunatic. Eh!


Well he's pissed away any credibility he ever had.


Yes, he is credited by idiots who don't know anything about NYC's turnaround. The Koch administration was the one that spearheaded NYC's turnaround, starting in the 1970s. By the time Giuliani took office, NYC began seeing the efforts from the 1970s begin to pay off. Crime also started dropping before he took office, because the crack epidemic peaked and many of the most dangerous pushers were either dead or in prison.


So you really think the mayor of NY would have nothing to do with a massive overhaul of the city, and you have the balls to call other people idiots? Get the fuck out of here with that retarded bullshit. I guarantee you are just some liberal cunt who dislikes him because of his ties to Trump. Grow the fuck up.


lol... no one in NYC believes that. These are all based on one or two news articles (probably paid by him) to get them to say nice things about him and this info was spread. He didn't really do it single handedly himself. It's stupid to think so.
He rode the backs of people who actually accomplished these things and got credit for it.
He's an idiotic looney NYers dislike just as much as Trump. If your own dislike you so much it is a wonder how come the GOP morons like him and Trump. Maybe because they're of low iq imo.


Nobody said he did it single handily, so save your feigned indignation for someone else. It was under his administration, and you can't deny that a person in his position would obviously be heavily involved in something as significant as the turnaround that NY experienced in that time. Don't be obtuse because it's convenient.


Let's then discuss HOW he managed to accomplish this? Did he instruct any of his team or create any orders or such or do anything as such?

No. It organically changed due to the internet and dotcom growth in the late 90s and early 2000s. He just rode that wave. Just like Clinton did with the Internet boost boosting the economy.

Just like Giuliani wasn't responsible for 9/11. If you want to give him credit then he gets blame as well.

Basically, the mayor didn't actually even run on that per se. He just happened to be there when economic forces dictated the situation - internet boom gave rise to porn access at home reducing customers at the gentleman's clubs - only the strongest survived and rest naturally perished. When the first Disney and other family friendly stores came in to Times Sq with the cheap property value and access to tourists, everything just took off as more tourists piled in further alienating those seedy places to the point where it became untenable for them to stay on and they departed in a way to cash on it by selling their leases or property and others moved in quickly. NY economy naturally prospered due to advent of computers, access to international talent with cheaper H1B visas and international students adept in software development/algo trading/statistics at cheaper salaries. Things like High Frequency Trading took off along with Hedge Funds due to growth in stock markets. New tech and wall st companies moved into the
city and built further development for their offices.

Giuliani did jack shit here. He just rode the wave here. He was mayor from 1994 to 2001 which was the period NY experienced this computer boom, mainly in Wall St first which significantly contributed to its coffers through taxes and wealth and things just naturally grew.

Don't be obtuse because you don't know how it came about.


Not true. He was a well renowned prosecutor who took down the NYC mafia


He's always been bipolar. Until recent years he was able to mostly mask that in public and behave normally. His trio of ex wives have often said he was a hard man to live with on account of that. But now his manic behavior seems to be on full unabashed display for the whole world to see.

There's controversy surrounding some of the policing practices he supported as mayor of New York. But he did some good for the city as well, and before that he was a prosecutor known for fearlessly taking on the mob and political corruption - which is especially ironic considering his recent activities. It's a shame really. He's gone from the nation's front man on 9/11 to ... whoever this guy is. Tutti frutti, oh Rudy! 🤪

Someone wrote a book entitled Everything Trump Touches Dies. Truer words were never spoken.


he hit on that hot chick in the hotel room. seems sane to me.


Yes. I'm from NYC. He was always "off."


I think so ... but what put Rudy Guiliani on the map was a CBS 60-Minutes
piece on him when he was AG of NY. I have got to think if they went back to
look at documents and history and crimes that that was total baloney.

They Right wing was just forming their think tanks and media influence back
at this time, and they have invested in people who they bring up to represent
them, like Tucker Carlson is now for instance. Same with a lot of the Right-
wing looney judges like Gorsuch, Roberts and Kavanaugh. These are people
who are embedded in the system to break it and make it NOT work as advertised,
but who foster corruption to bend it to allow tyranny.

When over the last few years I heard the thinking of RG you don't get that crazy
all of a sudden, he's always been that way, and the extent of his crazy has been
shielded from the public by PR and right-wing media.
