She's a babe

I saw her first time, when I was looking for some good tv shows to watch, I saw her pic with a cardinal and two brothers, and was instantly drawn to her. It is due to that face that I saw I downloaded an entire season of The Borgias. I saw her live the first time when she was spying on her brother, and at that moment I realised there could be no pretty girl in this world.
She then lured me to watch Bel Ami and no matter how dishaveld her hair was and with not a single grain of make up on her, she looked 1000 times better than any other actress.
I'm a girl btw, much younger than her, but I look up to her.


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She looked so sexy as Bonnie especially when she fired that shotgun


Yeah ! good for cme because im a girl and 5 years younger than her. LOL


She is beautiful and very sexy. Btw, you say you are younger than she, correct? How much younger? Just curious.


Yeah, well let me know when she grows up and developers some acting skills. Nothing special about her.


