MovieChat Forums > Maggie Gyllenhaal Discussion > I love Maggie G. but it is very difficul...

I love Maggie G. but it is very difficult to find a watchable movie

I love Maggie G. but it’s very very difficult to find a watchable movie w/ her. I mean, come on talk about bad choices!
In a nutshell I concluded Secretary is her best movie.Sherrybaby being second. Here’s why.
I can’t stand that Foxx(how many Xs is enough? Pal) person so I passed on White house down. I will never watch a Nanny whatever movie – for the obvious reason of it being extremely idiot - so I passed on that too. Won’t back down an Hysteria aren’t my cup of tea so I passed on those. I tried to watch Frank but come on. What’s up w/ that big stupid head? I had to hit stop(who didn’t?) So that leaves us w/ The Dark Knight but she kinda has a short time on it. Donnie Darko is one of my favorite movies ever. And the surprisingly good Sherrybaby – if you are a fan. I did watch Happy Endings but I don’t remember her on it. (so I’ll have to check it again) And in 40 days/40 nights she is on for like 40 seconds. That leaves us w/ Secretary being her best!

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Maggie look bored on white house down.

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Check her out in "Mona Lisa Smile" as a Seven Sisters slut. Loved her in that movie.


Get over it and watch Hysteria. What are you, a Puritan? She's great in that film.
