Mad Men

Just saw at an entertainment news site, that Jared will be appearing on Mad Men this coming season in a ten episode story arc. Since it appears that his character on Fringe has been killed off, at least Jared's fans can catch him in another show this summer.

"Again we see, there is nothing you can possess which I cannot take away"


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I'm not sure if he would fit Mad Men. Most of his roles have been pretty, let's say, colorful, as opposed to the subdued nature of Mad Men.

But they'll make it work, c'est la vie.


I'm really excited to see him on Mad Men. He'll be a great addition. It's something different, but at least since he's not on Fringe anymore (bummer) we still get to see him in another really cool show.

John Slattery Fans...


Needless to say, he fits in fine. :)


He's SO good. Dispassionate, dry, occasionally nasty, and a team player.


I loved him on Mad Men, but have to say that I would not connect him from that show with anything else he is done. He so completely different that he is unrecognizable.

Great acting!

I was born in the house my father built


I know I've seen him before in other movies or shows, but Mad Men is the first time I took note of him. Very good in the role. It actually became better in my eyes after seeing him in Fringe. Versatility. I was glad to hear his voice in a promo for Sherlock Holmes (I wasn't near the TV the first time it ran) and realize I recognized it, only to find out next time it ran that it was Harris. The first Holmes film was not high art, but I enjoyed it for what it was and I think that based on just Fringe and Mad Men alone, Harris will be excellent in the role of Moriarity. Hopefully equal weight with Mark Strong's villain in the first movie.


So he dies in Fringe, Succeeds on Mad men, comes back to life on Fringe (actually time loop changes reality) Then Dies on Mad Men.
