MovieChat Forums > Jared Harris Discussion > He could be young Dumbledore in HBP.

He could be young Dumbledore in HBP.

Since Gambon's son is about 1 and thus obviously can't play young Dumbledore, I think it would be a nice hommage to Harris if one of his sons could play the 40-50 year-old Dumbledore visiting 11 year-old Tom Riddle, and I think Jared is the eldest (unless Damian is, but I don't know what he looks like so I can't tell). How about it ?

I know it'll probably be either Michael Gambon with brown beard and hair with makeup or another actor, but I still find the idea interesting.



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Damian is the eldest but this is a fantastic idea!!
Specially coz a young Dumbledore had red hair and Jared has red hair!!


I was watching The Riches last night, and I knew I knew the actor playing Eamon Quinn was familiar, but I couldn't place him. I told my husband this morning that after seeing him last night, it occurred to me that he was SO similar to Richard Harris, even his voice was like, IDENTICAL..that they should have gotten him to play Dumbledore after Richard Harris passed away. I had NO IDEA he was his son! I just found out 10 minutes ago. After reading the list of movies he's been in, I was most shocked to see that he had the role of the crazy actor/boyfriend of Ileana Douglas' character in the movie "Dummy" with Adrien Brody..and that's one of my favorite movies..I've seen it about 7 times! He was like another person entirely, and I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that he was English. And he was the older Will Robinson in Lost in Space! Incredible!

I feel so clueless, and dumb. I'm usually very good at connecting actors to their projects and people. He's brilliant.



When I was reading the 6th book I imagined young Dumbledore as this actor, even before I knew he was his father's son.(I just looked it up)

DO IT Casting!


I just had the exact same experience watching him in Fringe - he was so familiar and yet I couldn't figure out where I had seen him before. After looking through the other work he's done, most of which I haven't seen, I realised he was familiar because his manner and voice are so reminiscent of his father.

Great actor, hope to see more of him in the future.
