MovieChat Forums > Jared Harris Discussion > You learn something every day

You learn something every day

Whoa, I was just looking at the bio of Emilia Fox and I read that she was getting married to this dude. To my surprise, I realised that it was this ugly bastard from that stinking pile of crap entitled Mr Deeds. I then was amazed to see that he is in fact the son of the late, great Richard Harris. Thats the beauty of this site, your always picking up those little tidbits of information that would seem useless to non film buffs, yet is gold to those of us who treasure these pearls of wisdom.

"I'm a reasonable man get off my case."


If I saw you in my front I'd kick you in the nuts...

emilia... sucks...
and oh please... only now??
I sent the curiosity that they were going to marry ages ago...
This summer... dorset...

poor Jared...



Dream on mate, I would merely block and retaliate your futile efforts to assail me.

He should be thanking his lucky stars that she would even cast a glance in his direction, let alone marry his ginga ass.

He is far from awesome, from what I've seen he is mediocre at best.

"I'm a reasonable man get off my case."


you must be blind...
he's one of the best actors ever!!
It's said by a lot of people AND critics!
Besides... he's hot as hell! And man... I wish I was Emilia... DAMN!
Next reencarnation I'm gonna be an actress XD
There are some lucky girls... and there are other girls (like me) that are not that lucky...


What people and what critics?

Come up with some proof and I will maybe take you seriously.

I looked at his filmography and I saw some classic films such as Mr Deeds, Fathers Day, Resident Evil and lets not forget Lost in Space.

Yeah he really rocks alright.

A quick look at his massive array of awards and nominations shows he has won a total of one award. Wooopeee.

I have a question for you, you wouldn't actually happen to be Jared would you?

"I'm a reasonable man get off my case."


No I'm not Jared.
And 1 award? I suggest you search better....
Go to Highbeam...
And ok... the movies do not make him justcie... but if you look at his performance you see he is actually very good.
His own father (richard Harris) once said he was a much better actor than himself....
And I know a lot of people who say the same.
Please... stop bashing him, this is a forum for his fans... not the ones who don't like him just coz of his fiance... I also don't like Emilia Fox, and yet I'm not in her forums telling evil stuff about her.



This is not just a forum for his fans. It is a forum for anyone who wishes to make a comment about Jared. I originally called him an ugly bastard as that is what, in my opinion, he is.

You told me that you would kick me in the nuts and I dont tend to react to threats in a kindly manner. Therefore, I felt a need to defend my views.

But since I am a nice guy I will, just for you, stop slagging him off.

"I'm a reasonable man get off my case."


And by the way... you don't know him... how do you know he's a bastard?
And he's not ugly.
Please respect other people's opinions.
And I'm very sorry to have threaten you... I just go berserk when people talk evil stuff about him XD



Good discussion, sonofmunson is totally right !

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