MovieChat Forums > Steve Harvey Discussion > "It's sad to see where Steve Harvey Live...

"It's sad to see where Steve Harvey Lives."

Okay, so WTF does this Headline and Slide Show at the bottom of the page mean? I can't wade through the whole thing. But the man is wealthy and does not live in a hovel. Annoying click bait. Does anybody have any idea what they're talking about?


You said it. It's simply CLICK BAIT, and you fell for it.

Same with "Why you should put a water bottle on your tire in a parking lot", and "aluminum foil on your hotel room door".

They are all BS. many times the person you clicked the story for, isn't even part of the page-after-page-after-page of drivel.


Yeah, they'll come up with utter bullshit like "These Stars Have Aged Horribly. See What Pamela Sue Anderson Looks Like Now". If they do show a pic of Anderson, she looks great.

Nah, I stopped looking at those slide shows years ago.


I still fall for them from time to time, but I've learned to sniff them out.

Some of them are interesting and I don't mind. Once I have to click NEXT > 5 times I give up, because I know my keyclicks are simply rewarding someone's page counts.

I like the ones better that you can just scroll down without having to click NEXT. I can buzz through those much faster.


I prefer the old way, where if they advertise a list of 20, you can look at the whole list one shot, not scroll through page after page.
