MovieChat Forums > Steve Harvey Discussion > His poor grammar is embarrasing

His poor grammar is embarrasing

It's one thing for NFL and NBA players to have poor grammar. They get paid to play, not to speak.

But Steve Harvey gets paid to speak. It's ridiculous his poor grammar and mispronunciation is allowed to stand:

We got a goot one tonight!
That ain't gonna fly in my house
Git outta here
Ain't no way that answer gonna be there
We got to get somefin now!
You ain't got no reason to be unhappy wif that score!


His colloquialisms are part of his persona as an entertainer. If he spoke like an English professor he would appear ludicrous. Much of what you fault as "grammar" is just pronunciation. As far as "ain't" is concerned, it's a legitimate word, archaic and obsolete, but not incorrect.


This is also my first reaction. He's an entertainer and it's part of his character. If everyone spoke and moved exactly the same, then no entertainer would stand out from any other.


I disagree. He is a funny guy and can stand alone with that. No reason to talk ghetto.


His colloquialisms are part of his persona as an entertainer.

I call BS on that. And I call BS on "Kars for Kids" commercials too. Sorry I'm one "of those" grammar gurus.

[Pardon me while I go look up colloquialisms ], LOL!


He's gotten a lot more "street" as time goes on. Seems to have given up completely after his talk show got canceled.
