I see her every day!

I always seem see Shirley walking down my street, she lives about 50 yards away, she is sooooo tiny, less than 5 foot, but vey cute!!

Some of her work is just awesome!, cant wait to see her in Dr Who.

"She is yesterday's news, I'm coming round to you" http://stage.vitaminic.com/summerisle


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oh you're so lucky! I wish I could see her. She wrote a letter to me so I guess I've had my cake and eaten it too. But I wish I could see her.


That's amazing! You're really lucky. But I have had a handwritten letter and a signed photo from Shirley so I can't complain.



I'm with vita rick and e j styles!


Me too.


thats so cool!! what area does she live in?


are you people illiterate or just stupid? this site does give her height and NONE of you who mentioned a number have gotten it right!

Only fools are enslaved by time and space.


That of course assumes the information in her profile is accurate*

*I have no reason to believe that it isn't.

I'm only going to say this once: stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler
