That voice...

I just saw Dirty Filthy Love last night, and drove myself half mad trying to remember where I knew her voice from. I felt certain it was a cartoon, and even when I began to make the Harry Potter connection, I felt sure she was too old to have played Myrtle. Thank God for IMDb!

I love her voice, I'm surprised she hasn't done more voiceover work. She seems perfect for it.

If you were'd be good looking.


Where did you see Dirty Filthy Love?


On the Sundance Channel...sometimes it's handy to have roommates who bother to pay for cable.

If you were'd be good looking.


The beauty of Shirley's work as Moaning Myrtle is how she uses her voice! She makes the character unforgettable that way!


I agree! She really sounds like how I imagine Myrtle to sound and yet it still retains Shirley Henderson's voice. I can't imagine anyone else playing the part but her. I hope they bring her back for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as in the book she has two key scenes.
