MovieChat Forums > Shirley Henderson Discussion > Favourite moaning myrtle quotes WARNING:...

Favourite moaning myrtle quotes WARNING: gof spoiler

What are your favourite moaning myrtle quotes?

Mine are:

"Lets all through books at myrtle because she can't feel it twelve points if it goes through her stomach fifty points if it goes through her head." COS

"Oh harry if you die down there you are welcome to share my toilet." COS

"Why don't you try puting the egg under the water that's what the handsome boy did you know Cedric." GOF

Milan darling Milan Edna The Increadibles


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I love in GOF:

"It took Cedric hours to riddle it out. Almost all the bubbles were gone..."

She was funny in that movie!!!!


"Let's see if we can put some punctuation in our quotes."

"There's coffee in that nebula!" -Janeway. Mulgrew is the coolest person alive.


I can't be bothered to think of a quote but she was fabulous in GoF. Especially liked it when she was sitting in the bath with Harry and like flirting with him.


Myrtle: *Rarr* ;)

"... flirting with him." - More like wanted to jump him right there and then, haha. XD


lucky guy, even though i am 19 i kinda fancy shirley henderson

even though she appears in just one scene in GOF it was the funniest bit of the movie, and i loved it


Myrtle: Hello, Harry.

Myrtle: Not being a bad boy again are you, Harry?

Harry: Who was it Myrtle?
Myrtle: I don't know. I WAS DISTRAUGHT!


"Oh Harry...If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet."


"Your jewelry is delicious!"
