Reminds me of...

Jay R. Ferguson, the co-star of "Surface". Brad's a little more robust, but I think there's some similarity...

de gustibus non est disputandum


How about Clancy Brown from Highlander and Shawshank Redemtion ?

" A man with no enemies is a man with no character. "


He reminds me of a thinner Abraham Benrubi.

Brian Peppers is my Homeboy


Thank you. I used to remember Henke as playing a 'big lug' type of character in a high school comedy series, but after visiting his page years back, I realized it wasn't him. After looking through Benrubi's page I find out I'm thinking of Parker Lewis Can't Lose. Funny thing though, I have no recollection of watching a show by this name. I had to watch the promo to bring back any memory what so ever. Anyway thanks again. You've solved a mystery that's been going on for I don't even know how many years.


Jay R. Ferguson! HA! I thought the same thing!


in the trailer for "Choke" I totally thought it was insult king Jeffrey Ross!

- - -

Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


Watching him on "Justified", he reminded me of a young John Goodman.

Nobody Asked Me, but ........


Definitely Jay R. Ferguson! And Max Adler a little too.

He and Jay could easily portray brothers!


reminds me of tamer Hassan.

Make your wishes - the Djinn
