MovieChat Forums > Freddie Highmore Discussion > Growing up this good looking.

Growing up this good looking.

I am so glad to find Freddie growing up this good looking, not like the other child entertainers, lost the handsome features after getting older.

And I used to like Haley Joel Osment very much for The Sixth Sense, Play It Forward, Second Hand Lion, especially AI. However, he has become a teenager and no longer being cute, but still far from being a man. Maybe his child image was planting too deep in my mind.


I have always found him to be annoying and I don't find him attractive at all. But we can't satisfy everyone.


Haley Joel Osmet let himself turn into a pasty white fat bearded troll, hope that isn't too harsh but it's the truth. And with all the money he made you'd think he'd at least try to look accordingly and not creepy.
