MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Has anyone ever met him?

Has anyone ever met him?

What is he like? Creepy, a dick?




He was really down to Earth.


He liked to use the toaster ...a lot like 6.000.000 times


Why would anyone need 6 million pieces of toast?

I think you were attempting to make an edgy reference to the 6 million that died in the German camps?
The ones starved, shot, beaten and gassed?

What does starving, shooting, beating or gassing (poisoning/suffocating) people have to do with using a toaster/making toast?

Am I just not edgy enough to understand what is most likely a super-hilarious joke or something?


the 6 million that died in the German camps
Based on what?



Not even the Nazis themselves denied the Holocaust. At trial, they used the "just following orders" defense, instead of the whole "it never happened" that people afterward who had zero involvement (and mostly weren't even alive) like to claim.

Never read your boy's book? Mein Kampf?
He seemed pretty into the idea of extermination. Not like he tried to mince his words or anything lol.

The OG-Nazis would probably look on Neo-Nazis as cowards. Afraid to even admit their own ideals/history, nevermind put them to action.


What do you base 6 million died in German camps on?


Wasn't 6 million (prophecy amount used many times before there even was a WWII). Weren't killed in atrocities. They starved to death from the west cutting off supply lines. The last people who are going to be fed are the detainees. Detainees who were all guilty of being enemies of the state and supporting communism or capitalism. The two biggest evils in the world.


He's trending again.
Sorry, couldn't help. ☺

Can only tell you what the elders said:
"Very charismatic."
Especially women fell for him, maybe in an erotic but not in a sexual way.
He wasn't gay though.
It's difficult to see that in most films, which are usually available nowadays.
Partly because of old/bad quality, partly because of too high speed, he appears ridiculous.
Then his (for current views) outmoded way to speak with the rolling "R".
And because of his strange moustache many people are reminded to Charlie Chaplin.
Hitler was definitely not a funny comedian.

While he was neither tall nor handsome, more than one person described how he drew everyone's attention just by entering the room, before he became the "Führer".
When preparing speeches, he worked hard on his poses in front of a mirror.

And here's where the danger lies with the masses of docus shown by our public TV.
With the intention to warn "Never again!" sometimes the opposite happens:
Or incomprehension why so many could fall for this clown.
Pictures go into people's minds much more than what the narrator or history books say.


Drew everybody's attention or more likely piss your pants type scared you would be sent to a concentration camp if you did not demonstrate wrapped attention towards him. As for meeting him the man committed suicide nearly 80 years ago. Further, he was wildly paranoid the last few years keeping contact to a minimum. I'd be surprised and intrigued if somebody currently living actually had a conversation with him versus an Indiana Jones type hand shake in a crowd setting.


there is no evidence of suicide, this is all Allied propaganda. He most likely escaped to Argentina on a U-Boat and lived his days to the end naturally hidden away in one of its many remote German communities


According to the prevalent "Hitler Escaped" theory, both him & Eva first went to (I think) Chile, then settled in Argentina. He reportedly died in 1962, & she reportedly died sometime in the 2000's.


What evidence is there that he escaped in a U-boat and lived in Argentina though?


common sense since his body was never found, maybe it wasnt a U-Boat but an aircraft or some other form of transportation but he seemed to have disappeared into the mist. the only "evidence" of his suicide is a burnt skull fragment that has been dna test and found out to have been a females skull. it doesn't sound good for propaganda purposes however, so the mainstream edumication system wouldnt dare tell you the truth...


The OP just posted a "well made and profound summary of the whole Hitler corpse conspiracy" in another thread and I can recommend it.



erotic but not in a sexual way
What is that?


"Erotic but not in a sexual way" means, they didn't want to fuck with Hitler.
Does that answer your question?


Erotic how?


That's a stupid question.


Stupid how?


He appeared as an apparition in my kitchen late one night. SOB ate all my M&Ms.


Imagine the carnage if the candy was named S&S..


He loved little blonde boys


Orson Welles met him, when he was a young boy. Sounded like he did not really have an opinion of Hitler one way or the other. On the other hand, I seem to recall he did not find him particularly impressive. But that's a vague memory.


That story was disproven.


Not true. As far as I recall, Orson Welles himself told the story in an interview.
