MovieChat Forums > Aldis Hodge Discussion > One of the kids in Die Hard 3

One of the kids in Die Hard 3

I was just re-watching a bit of Die Hard 3 and my eyes popped out of my head when I realised that one of Zeus' nephews was Aldis Hodge!
How cool is it that his first (credited in imdb) acting job was in Die Hard with the likes of Samuel L. Jackson!?
Anyway, this isn't news to anyone since it's right there in there to see in his filmography, but I just had to react somewhere :P


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I hear you. When I first watched the movie after I found out he was in it (which is also my first time seeing it since I was a child) I mistook his brother for him. He was adorable! Both were. But at first I thought he was the one with no teeth, which is the smaller one. That's when I also found out he is the same age as me. Practically.

And apparently I was right the first time, I give up, lol. Just to clarify by smaller one I meant of the kid in the classroom and the little guy, not the older kid.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett


wasn't he the older of the 2 kids? that movie came out in like 1996. the younger kid in that movie was like 7-8. that would make Aldis just in his early 20s. he has to be mid to late 20s.


No, no. I assure you that he's my age. He's in his early 20s. I was so excited when I found out for some reason. I also saw him on an ep of ER when he was younger. Plus Edwin Hodge is his older brother and he was born 85 I believe. He looks older but I remember watching him in Standoff thinking that he made a very convincing 17 year old. It made sense when I later found out who he was. When I first saw him on Leverage I thought he was at least mid late 20s, but after watching him awhile that didn't seem right. He seemed to youthful, lol, not sure how to explain it. But yeah he is about 23.

I'm not a Puerto Rican but I'm speakin' so that you know.


Trust me he was the younger and he is in his early twenties


Born: September 20, 1986 in New York, USA


He was the little kid with missing teeth.

I was a little bummed about Leverage being cancelled when I saw little Hardison walk into the store to see Zeus. Very surreal. I came here to confirm and I was right.


Yeah you're right. He was who I thought he was in the beginning. I should have never changed the post in the first place. Well the edited version of that post was only up for a year so hopefully I didn't do too much damage, I just hate spreading misinformation. I was thinking he looked a lot more like his brother than I thought, lol. I haven't seen this movie on tv in years and I haven't watched it since I posted in 2011. I was using videos and trying to compare later videos of Aldis when he had a bit of a growth spurt. I think I got a little confused in the classroom scene, I definitely overthought that one.

Additionally, you never really get to see Edwin's face in the classroom scenes. Plus they list Aldis as Dexter on some sites and the fact that it says Dexter's friend and we never hear Aldis called Raymond so that made me overly cautious and led to the overthinking. Thanks for setting me straight. I call myself a fan of both so it's a bit embarrassing.

Anyway, yeah it is sad that Leverage is ending, but hopefully on to bigger and better things for Aldis. Not sure how likely it is to happen but it would be nice to see him get the Black Panther role. I hear his name getting thrown around a little bit here there, maybe someone will bite.

It's weird, I never edited my second post in this thread, but what are the chances of someone only reading that? Well I'm glad I didn't anyway.

Rest in Peace Russell Means...your legacy and impact will live on.
