MovieChat Forums > Rick James Discussion > Fucking Disgusting!

Fucking Disgusting!

How the fuck was this guy famous, considered an artist or even a man?

He beat women, tortured them, and even kidnapped them. The guy was ugly as fuck and was doing all kinds of drugs. Looked like a base-head and was extremely vulgar. I dont know what Linda Blair was thinking. A real disgrace to the name. Having beat women up and kidnapped them and did the same thing to other women goes to show how corrupt the justice system is giving him a mere two years probably in a mansion. If I touch a woman today I'd probably never be out again. The garbage said he had gotten off drugs but there was a lab in his system when he died. Best thing that happened.


You do know heโ€™s dead right ?


Cocaine is a hell of a drug



Charlie Murphy!!!!


You might as well say those things about every superstar in the industry.


he was on the a-team
