MovieChat Forums > Ashley Johnson Discussion > Boy George look-a-like???

Boy George look-a-like???

Doesn't anyone here think she looks identical to Boy George?!?!?! Like seriously, the first time I saw her I just thought "Omg... OMG! How is it possible that one person looks exactly like another person even though they are from a different gender and completely different generation and even country?!" So my next thought was "Is she Boy George's daughter or something? Cuz if she isn't related to him in any way then this is just scary! o___o" So then I came on here and saw people mentioning many other resemblances but not the one that is most crying out!! I feel I'm going nuts here being the only one who thinks that! @____@


you are totally right! I just watched her cold case, and was so intrigued and charmed by her face (after completely forgetting where I 'knew dimitri' from) that I had to imdb her. chrissy seaver! I had no idea! she was cuter than cute! and now - she totally stole the show. I love the retro looks on cold case - they do a really good job. this is just further proof of my theory that there are only 8 or 9 different faces in the world. ie before plastic surgery. but I keep running into older or younger people that look exactly like someone from high school, like even to having a weird eye. aside from seeing matt daemons in my apartment elevator...


Haha, I laughed when I read this comment.
I never thought of it but.. she actually does!


Wow that's nuts, I had to google him as I didn't know what he looked like but she totally does.


I soooo had never thought of this comparison. are right. Definite resemblance.

I guess I'll cut my losses, and turn my tricks at the magic show..



hahah, so did i...

"Sometimes being a bitch is all a gal has to hang onto"


Ok I know this thread is a old but I came here about a week ago after seeing her in something and saw this thread on her page and thought 'What the hell?' Totally dismissing the comment. Then I today I was looking at the video for Karma Chameleon and thought 'Hmm, Boy George reminds me of someone but who...?' The suddenly it him me Ashley Johnson! So I'm like, 'Wait, didn't I recently see someone making that comparison? OMG, I DID!'

She totally does.

Everybody needs love. Have you held your hostage today?


You JERK! I used to think she was so cute ... and now??? Do you really wanna huurrrrrttt meeeee?


Please do not make negative comments about a film YOU NEVER SAW. It makes you look stupid.


Green Eyed Monster.

It's not a bug, you morons, it's a feature!
