MovieChat Forums > Ashley Johnson Discussion > Wow -- this is the girl from Roseanne?

Wow -- this is the girl from Roseanne?

I can't believe that the hottie from CSI (Dreama Little from Ending Happy episode) is the same one that played the butch "Lisa" in an episode of Roseanne.

Wow, she's gotten SO much prettier and more feminine over the years.


I totally agree! I thought she rocked the character of Lisa way back when! She looks terrific now


She didn't play a butch on Roseanne, to my recollection. Didn't she play DJ's girlfriend? And she was really demanding and controlling, but not "butch".


weird isn't it

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


was she on Roseanne?? i think she's the girl from Growing Pains...

she's put on a bit of weight...
