MovieChat Forums > Michael B. Jordan Discussion > Thomas Crown Affair Remake

Thomas Crown Affair Remake

I'm not even mad at the m.jordan part why is this movie being remade so soon the last remake was done 1999, I mean why not do a ocean 14 and have Jordan as the son of Bernie mac character aka Frank Catton. I won’t bother with this movie and it has nothing to do with the casting i think the studio sux for dong this remake. I mean if u want to make a movie with M.jordan as a rich and powerful business tycoon . Who in his spare time rob and steal pretty things for a little excitement than just make a new f-ing story tailor it for jordan.

"I will treat you all alike - just like $hit. " The Rouge Warrior's - Ten Commandments of SpecWar


Such a stupid idea, this must be April fools right????

Remaking a remake that was actually very good, and directed by John McTiernan with the perfect actor Pierce Brosnan taking over? Come on!!!

Oh wait, we must cast a black actor to be P.C, and it must be Michael B Jordan because he just had a hit with Creed.

Yep, sh*t like this is what is killing the film industry. Who in the hell is making these atrocious decisions????


Like I said they could give Mr. Jordan a movie like thomas crown; nothing against it but to label it a remake and it being so soon is the place i call bull not that there anything wrong with him playing a high power tycoon with the affinity to steal nice things.

"I will treat you all alike - just like $hit. " The Rouge Warrior's - Ten Commandments of SpecWar


That's Hollywood. I asked the same thing with them remaking I Know What You Did Last Summer...


Okay, okay, okay. So here's the thing. He's an excellent actor, and can play a variety of roles and emotions and situations. That's established. He also is an advocate for supporting the talent people of colour in the film industry, and proves himself to be a shining example to anyone who thinks otherwise, hence Fruitvale Station, Creed, and his role in the upcoming film Black Panther. I also know that it is time that we introduce a non-white actor into the classic vein of the Steve McQueens, the Marlon Brandos, the Cary Grants, and so on. We do have the brilliant Sidney Poitier, and so I think it would be wise to find someone that the potential to emulate him, but as of right now he seems to be our only solid classic leading actor of color. We have many younger actors who do have that potential, but I don't think Jordan seems suited for the roles we associate with Old Hollywood, like Adam Canfield or Frank Bullitt. Thomas Crown happens to be one of those characters, a symbol of the golden ages. I'm also not saying that Jordan can't carry massive expectations and pressures associated with a role or series, hence Creed, but as proven by the Ryan Reynold Green Lantern versus Deadpool scenario, one reboot is not like the other. Each character needs a deft touch to bring them to life again, and I don't think Jordan carries himself in a way that would provide that. Not that the man doesn't carry himself well, but he does not have that Connery-esque cool about him. There is an elegance, but not the type that Crown requires. Crown is cold, calculated, and a man of little words but one who has a deep and intense longing about him. In McQueen's it was for intellectual stimulation, but in Brosnan's, it was physical stimulation. I worry about what direction they would take it in, as the two extremes of stimulation have been done, but I'm excited. Referring to Brosnan, his tall, dark, and handsome looks provided an excellent juxtapose to McQueen's rugged features with blond hair and blue eyes and his visceral acting lent itself nicely to the tone of the film. Also, the man played Bond. He had the ultimate experience, the best CV for this role possible. Jordan does not have that. He does not possess that sort of panther-like grace and intensity to him that McQueen and Brosnan both have, in their own ways. I don't think he could provide the lightness of touch that McQueen and Brosnan mastered with this role and I find him hard to believe as a disenchanted billionaire, the sort of dark side of Bond and all of these other 50-60's anti-hero playboy archetypes. Also, I understand that the filmmakers want a younger Crown. Yes, I am 100 percent behind that, the younger side of this character could open up so many cinematic opportunities for this film and character. Honestly, it excites me to no end. I think Chadwick Boseman possess everything the character needs, though I worry slightly about his age (in the end, it's the actor's portrayal that counts). In the end, I suppose the filmmakers will decide, but I think Jordan would be a huge and detrimental mistake.
Isaiah 11:6
