MovieChat Forums > Michael B. Jordan Discussion > Be careful what you wish for

Be careful what you wish for

For the record, Ryan Coogler and Idris Elba deserved nominations ahead of those given. For Elba it was particularly harsh, he went from Nelson Mandela to Foday Sankoh (Beasts of no Nation) and was totally convincing in both. I haven't seen that long a leap since Ben Kingsley went from Mahatma Gandhi to Donnie Logan (Sexy Beast).

Now I hear that MB Jordan wants Tom Hardy to co-star in the sequel to Creed. That would a showstopper, with their acting styles the two would go together like oil and vinegar. But he better be careful what he wishes for, Hardy doesn't fark around when it comes to doing fight scenes. He should have a chat with Christian Bale to find out what he's in for.

About Handsome Bob (Hardy).
