He bombed f4

I think he did, well his character did on Fantastic 4


You said it like it was his fault


F4 bombed itself


Outside of the fact that they could have portrayed Dr. Doom a little better; I didn't see anything wrong with Fantastic Four. In fact I liked it. It kind of reminded me of Stargate SG1...except with the crew having super powers this time.


I appreciate that... it really wasn't a terrible movie. Had to see it twice to get it. I definitely think they should've done more with Doom: they brought him back and then he just went back. And although I got the fact that they didn't know how to use their powers collectively yet with each one of them working alone before that fight scene, it should've been extended. There should've been a slower progression toward the final blow that they gave to Doom. Or... or, all the training they did could've been shown in flashbacks leaving more of the film for their fight against Doom... but whatever. I hope there will be a sequel. A chance for the first family to shine. 'Cause what made it unfortunate was the fact that it just could not live up to the other movies in Marvel's Cinematic Universe for whatever reason. People blame the writing, the directing, the editing. But the actors? Nah... in a big budget film like this they have little to no say...

"Curtsy while you're thinking. It saves time." 🍄


Its not just FF Fans,Critcs and casual moviegoers,The Cast and Director of the FF Reboot don't even like the movie.The movie won't get a sequel it made zero profit, MBJ had nothing to do with the movie being bad though.

I'm gonna show you something beautiful everyone screaming for mercy
