MovieChat Forums > Michael B. Jordan Discussion > SAG & Golden Globes Snubs...

SAG & Golden Globes Snubs...

This man definitely earned a nomination for his strong "Creed" performance after seeing it last night! Add to the fact that the film turned a tidy profit on its modest budget, but to only give a nomination to Sly (who definitely gave a heartfelt a much deserved nomination himself) and leave the others out (Michael B. Jordan & Ryan Coogler) is just insane!!!!

BTW...Ryan should definitely get a nom for Director & Original Screenplay

Look not into the eyes of the hungry, for despair is a contagious disease.
- Gary Anthony Williams


Michael are the best. Your performance was phenomenal. Sorry you didn't get a nom.
I have loved you on AMC, and Parenthood....
And shame on Stallone not even mentioning you. I was so disgusted with him tonight.


I think he was distracted by his (so called) stunning daughter. He did not want them to bat an eye to Jordan, and have to have his own "Mel Gibson meltdown" and spew the N-word left and right. lol But seriously, that is messed up. They say he ran back out during commercial and thanked one or both of them (Jordan and Coogler).

