Human Torch?!

Is it a good idea to change Johnny Storm's ethnicity with this guy for the F4 reboot?


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Love Michael as an actor. Have since he was a kid but no to Johnny. I think it's a terrible idea but looks like its going to happen. So guess i'll see


Why not? We let it slide with Nick Fury.


I agree. I think its fine if they change the race of a character if it has no influence on his personality, history, ideals, etc...Johnny could very well be a black guy and I think Michael B Jordan would be a great choice. I really liked him in Chronicle, genuinely liked him. I agree that his ethnicity is just a default.


I don't have to get over anything. I wasn't complaining about it. I just don't see why it's necessary. Don't be so melodramatic. Goddamn. I won't protest the race change, but it's gonna shake things up. Either Johnny is gonna be the adopted brother, a half-brother, or both he and Susan are gonna be black. No one knows for sure. That's not the only major liberty that's gonna be taken with the source material: an apparent plot synopsis stated that the F4 are gonna be depicted as teens. It's understandable that people are going to be a little concerned.

I understand the need to have more ethnicities represented in movies, especially superhero films. It's not an issue if villains (Electro, Kingpin) or supporting characters (Percy White, Heimdall) are changed in such a way because they're not the protagonists. Fury doesn't count since he has a basis in the Ultimate comics.

Why not give established black heroes their due? Falcon's gonna debut in the next Captain America, and it's possible War Machine may get his own spin-off. Black Panther and Luke Cage movies are in development too. It's also possible we may get another Blade movie.

Don't forget Cloak and Dagger. They're a duo of a black male superhero AND a female one. It's not like we get many heroines either.

There are a couple obscure ones; Blue Marvel and the Michael Collins version of Deathlok. Maybe if the Spider-Man movies go on for long enough, we could get Miles Morales. If Marvel got off their butts and utilized these characters, you couldn't complain. There's around plenty that do not necessitate ethnicity changes.

Is Jordan a good actor? Sure. Does he embody the essence of Johnny Storm's character? Maybe. We'll see. He has not been officially cast for the reboot. no one has. No one can say if he's good or bad for the part. If he does get cast I won't protest. Just don't accuse anyone of being a racist for having doubts.


Ultimate Nick Fury.


Rhaegal wrote:
and you no longer have Black Panther, King of Wakanda, an African nation.

That's complete BS. There are plenty of white people in Africa. You're just doing the usual tap dance trying to rationalize racial double standards.
