Oscar snub...

I'll admit, this was a particularly competive year, but I feel like MBJ really deserved the nomination for his turn in Fruitvale. Perhaps the film itself was too polarizing.

Still, I can't help but feel like, due to his youth, Michael was overlooked.

I haven't seen Nebraska, so I may be rushing to judgment, but I have the sneaking suspicion Bruce's nomination could be a classic nostalgia-induced Oscar nod. And, it may be an unpopular opinion, but I feel like Bale was doing a Robert DeNiro impersonation throughout Hustle- hardly Oscar-worthy stuff.

Michael's performance was authentic and understated. I know the Academy tends to like flashy roles (McConaughey/DiCaprio) or heavy drama (Ejiofor), but I had hoped there was a chance for this role to be recognized for what it was- deeply moving, all while seeming effortless.


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I feel like it might have been too controversial, especially with the Trayvon Martin case this past year. Too bad, he was exceptional.


Michael did a GREAT job! Ryan did too. I applaud my brothers! However, I don't think it's due to age because younger people have been nominated (in general). It's just that the competition was SICK - even amongst black films. Even if Chiwetel was not nominated and/or there were room to nominate more actors, Forrest and even Idris (although he may get the nomination next year) would have better shots at it than Michael. Michael did a great job, but Oscar Grant was maybe too modern and laid back compared to the other three roles.

Michael and Ryan aren't even in their 30's yet but they have shown potential. They got the world's attention, so things will work out.


Ryan Coogler -- the writer and director of the film.
