Brutally unfunny

I've seen her comedy special, appearance on a talk show and she was a special guest on my favorite podcast. Other than a few pitty chuckles from the hosts, nobody responded to her. She obviously thinks she's very funny, but man... I'll guess her career will be short.


Yeah, I'm not a fan. It's probably a deliberate part of her delivery but she always seems really meek and lacking in confidence. She doesn't have to be boisterous and obnoxious, but her style really lacks punch.

I looked up how long she's been in comedy for. Apparently, she started in 2001 but didn't find much success until 2011. That's actually fast compared to a lot of comedians, it seems.
Anyway, she'll probably eke out some kind of niche following for a while. If she gets more tv work and the occasional special, it'll probably attract people that like her style.
Comedy seems to be a pretty personal taste, much like music can be.


She obviously thinks she's very funny, but man... I'll guess her career will be short.

She released her first stand-up album in 2011. Her acclaimed album Live was nominated in 2014 for the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards. The special Tig Notaro: Boyish Girl Interrupted was nominated in 2016 at the 68th Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Writing for a Variety Special. In 2017, the album of Boyish Girl Interrupted was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album at the 59th Annual Grammy Awards.


Well looks like some people think she's okay lol


It's long been established that awards aren't always a reflection of talent. Shakespeare in Love won best picture, but the film is terrible. Boyish Girl interrupted didn't exactly get universal praise critically, but it was a show about a lesbian fighting brest cancer, and certainly social expectations elevated it at awards time. I saw it, it wasn't funny. Poignant perhaps, but that doesn't equal comedy.


Awards are a far better indicator of quality than some random loser on Moviechat


"Awards are a far better indicator of quality than some random loser on Moviechat"

What a remarkably self-referential assertion. Lol


Lefties LOVE to give each other awards. They are meaningless.


I haven't seen much of her stand up but what i did see didn't do much for me. She does seem to have a following though and I know many comedians think very highly of her stuff.

One crazy story about her is that years ago she made a short film called "Clown Service" about a depressed woman who hires a birthday party clown to come to her house and perform for her. When Louis C.K. hosted SNL a few years back, they aired a very similar short (short as in pre-taped and not shot during the live broadcast) where C.K. was a depressed dude who hires a birthday party clown played by Bobby Moynihan to cheer him up. The skit is hysterical but viewing both it's impossible not to conclude that the bit on SNL was a blatant rip off of the Notaro short. No idea if the skit was pitched by C.K. or an SNL writer, but the similarities were too much for it to be a coincidence.


I saw something about that, and she wasn't happy. It's hard to say it wasn't something overheard and there was inspiration taken from that. A lot of comedy comes from the same direction, but no doubt joke stealing happens.


Yup, and Louis C.K. has had more than a couple of his jokes ripped off over the years; both Dane Cook and Amy Schumer have performed jokes that are almost identical to ones C.K. told prior. Actually there's a compilation on youtube of jokes Amy Schumer has told that were almost word for word told previously by other comedians.


Nobody stole jokes better than Carlos Mencia! There is a great YouTube video of Joe Rogan calling him out to his face.


I've seen that!! That was crazy! If there's anyone I wouldn't want calling me out on joke stealing it's Joe Rogan lol! I was also just last night watching the fishsticks episode of South Park where Mencia claims to have invented the gay fish joke that Jimmy wrote.


You just went up several points for being a South Park fan!


Haha I love South Park. I don't have cable but Hulu has the new ones the day after they air (as well as all past seasons) and that's gotten me back into watching old ones again over the past couple weeks.

South Park is so weird in that people who are turned off by it's crudeness, don't realize what a spot-on social commentary it is. I think it's also unique in that even though it speaks on a wide range of social issues, it's probably equally appealing to both the left and the right because neither side is safe and they're not afraid to call anyone out on their BS.


i think she is funny. i listen to her when they play her bits on the Sirius radio comedy channels. i love her voice


True. She's not hilarious but...there's something about her delivery that keeps me listening. Relatable somehow.


I have to agree. Watched several episodes of her Amazon show, though if it had just been up to me, I probably would have quit after the first one. Or maybe even in the middle of it. It didn't get any better either.

But apparently someone likes it, I guess.


Isn't that how Hollywood rolls? When someone say's that person sucks or isn't funny, they then give them more roles and deals to uplift them to fake relevance as a counter to annoy the public further with more BS they spit out. This is what happens when you give Hollywood too much money and overpay goods & services. They then start to branch out into garbage content albeit sometimes they hit the gem here or there but it's still mostly garbage that get sent straight to Bluray.
