MovieChat Forums > Keira Knightley Discussion > In need of (honest) opinions

In need of (honest) opinions

I'm a writer in my spare time, and am currently working on a story that could turn out to be pretty decent, if I do it right. And one of the main characters in the story is somewhat based on Keira Knightley.

So, I guess what I'm looking for is, what do you think of her?

And, perhaps, not necessarily just as an actor. What do you think she is like as a person?

Good or bad - let me know.

But, you know, try to be kind about it, either way. I know she has her share of 'haters,' as it were. I am not one of those haters, have been a fan of hers since the "Pirates" movies.

But whatever is said, I am going to try to be objective.

Thank you.


To me, Keira is a very outspoken person who is not at all shy about giving her opinion. She's got balls. :)

Now I have a question: why do you need to know this if you're writing a fictional character that's only somewhat based on her? Is it important to the story that the character acts the way Keira would in real life? Because otherwise I would say don't worry about what Keira is really like as a person, or what others think she's like, because you're not writing about her. You can use your perception of Keira's personality as a base for your character's personality, and as a longtime fan of hers you must have formed your own impression. You need not worry about whether your impression is the "right" one, just focus on building on that base and giving your character her own unique personality.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.


I think that's partly what it is, that I'm worried the impression I have isn't the "right" one. I'm weird that way, in that when I write, I try to make everyone as real as possible, with all their appropriate quirks and flaws. But, like you said, it's not really going to be her I'm writing - it's really someone else.

Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate it!


No problem. 

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.
