MovieChat Forums > Keira Knightley Discussion > Keira's Brexit Video: Sad Viewing for a ...

Keira's Brexit Video: Sad Viewing for a Keira Fan

On YouTube should you wish to see it: "Don't (Expletive) My Future".

I was surprised at her appearance here for two reasons.

One, I thought she usually stayed out of politics (I haven't done due diligence research, I'll admit), at least hers isn't name I associate with active political preachments. I like that in a celebrity- not poking their noses about in attempts to influence people on topics they aren't necessarily expert on. Ergo-disappointment.

Second, I was surprised to find her looking not at all her best, IMHO. She does resemble an aging Winona Ryder, but not in a good way.

Well, I'm not a KK basher, on the contrary I have considered myself a huge fan, and I've watched virtually everything she has done. "Anna Karenina" and "Pride and Prejudice" are two of my favorite movies. And I loved her every scene in both.

Well, I know we can't always be pleased about everything a star does , but I was wondering how others felt about this video. "Vulgar, a bit superior acting, and unattractive" would be my judgement.


i think it's a great thing for her to speak up. she's a citizen, right? all citizens have the right to speak for what they believe in.

what's sad is what the UK just did.


She was encouraging people to vote, not vote her way. There is nothing wrong with that.

I don't like celebrities who are hard-line pushers of some political parties or candidates, but she's never been that way and she isn't that way now.

All she did is encourage people to go vote, that's it.


"She was encouraging people to vote, not vote her way. There is nothing wrong with that."

No, not technically "wrong". Let's call it a matter of taste. I've developed a distaste for celebrities who parade their politics using a public megaphone. I'm sure you have political opinions, as have I; but we certainly aren't given a public platform to advocate for them.

The whole "it takes five minutes to vote" theme seemed frivolous at best. If the vote is important, why is the alacrity with which it can be performed so critical? The "five minutes" angle seemed patronizing, irrelevant, and aimed at low information voters.

Someone else mentions "causes" for which Ms. Knightley has spoken out; these are largely the same causes all wealthy celebrities can afford to be outspoken about.

Like the Twitter hashtag mentions which accomplish nothing but allow the sender to feel they are voicing the proper opinions, much of this form of "political speech" is unenlightening and tends to degrade the level of public discourse in the interest of self-serving narcissism.

KK projects such formidable intelligence in her roles; I can't help but feel disappointed in this hollow pronouncement. Is the actress who can focus such intensity really so shallow?


On the contrary I like that she speaks abou the thinks she believes in - not only this (she laso signed a letter urging to stay in union) but also feminism, helping refugees, plight of women in Afganistan. Few years ago she alse said she wished for more left wing labor party. And youd do not have to be an expart to talk abou brexit - vast majority of policians are not (and majority of experts had same opinion as Keira).
I agree with one poster above sad is not what Keira did taht was good, sad was what Brits just did.

Mein Führer I can walk!


I disagree with you.

I think it's important to encourage people to vote and if her celebrity encouraged even one person to go out there and do that, then in my opinion her participation made a difference. I don't find it trite at all.

Low voter turnout has been a plague in North America (which is where I am) and thankfully that's changing, but in order to have an effective democracy you need the people to participate through voting, which is why I don't mind celebrities who have fans encouraging, especially the younger generation, to go out and vote - AS LONG as they don't tell them how to vote. In this I agree with you, please do not parade your political views and opinions out there just because you are an actor or a celebrity and you have a heightened sense of self. I am one of those people who believe that celebrities should not endorse anyone for a major political office.

I do believe she truly cares about issues (unlike some other famous people I will not mention) but has never pushed her political views on anyone. She may talk about them occasionally but she doesn't preach, unlike some other actors I will not mention, which is why I respect her. I would agree with you if she came out, like some others, and pushed "XYZ for president" or something like that, but thankfully she doesn't do that.

Someone else mentions "causes" for which Ms. Knightley has spoken out; these are largely the same causes all wealthy celebrities can afford to be outspoken about.

Totally disagree on this one. She has spoken up for domestic violence issues and has gotten a lot of flak for it, especially for that raw, domestic violence video she did many years ago. A lot of people were saying it was too violent. She has also gotten quite a bit of criticism for speaking out about women in Hollywood - and she was talking about this issue long before it become the cause-celebre. She also called herself a feminist long before other actresses spoke up.


I very much appreciate your disagreeing with me in such a calm, well-reasoned way.

Thanks for the civil discourse. Not always what we get on this site.

I've been surprised that everyone who has responded has written about the political side, not the criticism I ventured of her appearance in the video. I expected to be lambasted for judging how she looked! I actually always thought she was one of the most beautiful women ever, just had never seen her look as unappealing as she did in the video.

I suppose politics is what really has everyone's attention at the moment.


LOL! I don't think anyone has ever thanked me for disagreeing with them, but I appreciate that you can take my disagreement so well. I've often disagreed with people who go on the attack, and what they don't understand is that I'm not attacking them, but disagreeing with their opinion - obviously, you understand that it's just a disagreement over opinion and nothing else.

In terms of her looks, I think she's stunning still, but honestly I've never really cared that much about her looks, though I can appreciate them. I've always admired her as a capable actress and love her role choices, and I truly believe she's a wonderful artist. To me, her looks come far second to that.

Yes, I think you're right Brexit is such a huge deal everywhere right now, I think the politics and aftermath of it will be on people's minds for months to come.


Oh, if only all IMdB'ers had your tact and good sense! I love discussions with people who disagree with me, but I don't like being called names or getting rude responses- but then who does?

I've loved all Keira's movies *except* "Seeking a Friend For the End of the World", which just never worked at all for me. Everything else I've at least quite liked, or all-out loved.

Yes, as a male Keira's looks may be weighted too heavily in my estimations, but she is (or was??) one of the most beautiful women in the world to me. I just felt she looked strangely bad in that Brexit announcement. I'm still going to see her next movie.

