MovieChat Forums > Brie Larson Discussion > Hemsworth wasn't a fluke

Hemsworth wasn't a fluke

I just watched her interview with Renner and it was kind of awkward.Renner was aloofish.As if he would rather have been anywhere else but sitting next to her.This woman seems like shes about as much fun as a root canal.


I guess they'd better get rid of Hemsworth and Renner from the franchise. These guys, and possibly others, are clearly not compatible with Brie.

If they get rid of Brie instead you just know they'll be hell to pay and outrage aplenty.

No, the white dudes have to make room for Brie and her approved supporting cast of women and minorities. Its the ONLY way the franchise can move forward.


No, the white dudes have to make room for Brie and her approved supporting cast of women and minorities. Its the ONLY way the franchise can move forward.

Did I miss something? Has she called or requested for anyone to be replaced in this franchise? What was the exact quote that was so reprehensible?


I don't know, but according to the OP and others Brie doesn't get on with her co-stars.


Well you should know by now that quotes are often taking out of context, subtlety altered to change meaning, or outright fabricated. You asked in another thread if you were misogynistic...well perhaps consider that without any research of your own you accepted the OP that not only was there bad feelings between Brie and some co-stars, but also that she was at fault. Now instead of asking others, just ask yourself "am I misogynistic?"

Anyway I'm not going to go back and forth with you on this but thought you might find value in the following which was taken from Brie Larson's instagram/twitter...seems like what she's asking is a reasonable request to me:

Friends of Instagram: these are complicated times. I know that we all do not share the same view on current affairs - that is the beauty of our country. It is how we learn and grow. No one person can see the whole picture, so we need to work together, pool our resources and figure out what is true as one. I understand a few of you do not agree with some of the content I share. That is ok, and welcomed. What I ask though, in the future, when you disagree with what I share, instead of calling me "elite", "ignorant", or any of your other choice words - to intead remember I am on your side. I want our country to be strong and prosperous. Take a breath, and kindly share an article. Explain with facts why you disagree. Help us learn together. Name calling does not make me hear your argument as sound. It only works to keep us angry, misunderstood, and divided. I appreciate your thoughts and would like to know more about them, without hate.


Read what I said again. How did you interpret it as being misogynist or against Brie?

"I guess they'd better get rid of Hemsworth and Renner from the franchise. These guys, and possibly others, are clearly not compatible with Brie.

If they get rid of Brie instead you just know they'll be hell to pay and outrage aplenty.

No, the white dudes have to make room for Brie and her approved supporting cast of women and minorities. It's the ONLY way the franchise can move forward."

I said that they have to get rid of the white dudes from the franchise. I was standing up for Brie.

Of all the people here, it's the OP who I expected to take exception with my post, not someone who supposedly represents Brie and her perspective.


Ugh, Your post was ripe with sarcasm against Brie. You know it was and for you to pretend otherwise would be completely disingenuous if it wasn't also completely transparent.


It's sad. We're now so used to catching people out and expecting the worst in people. We no longer take anyone at face-value or assume anyone is sincere. What a bunch of doubting, suspicious cynics we've become. 😞

Why don't you take my post at face-value and assume I'm being genuine?

If the OP is right, then clearly her current co-stars are incompatible with Larson. Larson's Captain Marvel is the biggest film of the year and the most recent MCU film in a franchise that is now eleven years old, thus she is the franchise's future, not Hemsworth or Renner (who have been a part of the franchise since 2011). Hemsworth and Renner are both white dudes. Black Panther, the lead character in another of the MCU's biggest (in fact its biggest) hit, is black. If Larson were to suffer the blame for any fall-out she's had with her co-stars, you know there would be absolute outrage that Disney would sorely want to avoid.

Please tell me how any of this is wrong? Or do you still think I'm being 'ripe with sarcasm'?


Why don't you take my post at face-value and assume I'm being genuine?

Because you weren't being genuine. Anyone can see your post was sarcastic, not genuine. Like seriously it's ridiculous to even discuss but sure, let's break it down. You yourself admitted you don't know what she said but your first line was:

"I guess they'd better get rid of Hemsworth and Renner from the franchise. These guys, and possibly others, are clearly not compatible with Brie."

So without knowing what was said on either side, this is your solution. If this isn't sarcastic, it's idiotic and makes zero sense.

You follow it with:

"If they get rid of Brie instead you just know they'll be hell to pay and outrage aplenty.

No, the white dudes have to make room for Brie and her approved supporting cast of women and minorities. Its the ONLY way the franchise can move forward."

Here (again without knowing any facts of this incident) you paint white dudes as victims who are being pushed aside in favor of Brie's approved list of women and minorities. Again if this isn't sarcasm, I don't know what is. So go on and paint yourself as being misunderstood by me when anyone reading this knows that wasn't the case. I'm out.


Well, for what it's worth, I wasn't being sarcastic.

Controversial and challenging, yes. Sarcastic, no.

And how was I painting the white dudes as 'victims'? I was suggesting that perhaps they should step aside. If they are somehow victims, I'm the one victimising them here.


You are full of shit man.


How about, according to fking videos you can watch with your own two eyes?


What's your issue with me?

Who are you disagreeing with here? Sam or me?

I feel like I'm being besieged here from all sides, as per usual.

Then again, if I'm pissing off the nutty extremists on both sides of the argument, it means I'm probably doing something right, as per usual.


My issue with you? I don't know you, I only know that you made a stupid post. You said "according to the OP and others Brie doesn't get on with her co-stars". Not only were there past reports of this, but we now have video evidence to support it... that you can watch yourself... hence my post.


I hadn't watched the interview until reading this. I have now. Honestly, it just looks like Renner is exhausted. They're doing an interview with an Indian TV show (he asks if they're coming to India); I'm guessing that means it was pretty late in the press tour, since they'd probably do US, European, and Chinese markets first - those being the biggest. I would guess that Renner's just really, really, really tired and maybe partied too much the night before or something. He doesn't look ticked off with Larson, he just looks like he can't keep his eyelids open.


Maybe he was tired.But in contrast with every other marvel interview i have seen Renner in with other cast mates over the years it seemed weird.Renner has always engaged his cast mates in his interviews.I don't think he spoke directly to Larson at all or even looked at her.


Maybe Renner didn't want his girlfriend/wife/etc getting jealous over Brie so he acted disinterested. Guys do that out of paranoia sometimes.


He never acted disinterested when he did interviews with Johansson.And she's much more attractive than Larson IMO.


Maybe that's what got him in trouble.


Oh but he and Chris Evans call Black Widow a slut? Maybe they did that to overcompensate to their GFs/wives


The most mediocre "talent" to ever suck her way to success.


In all the interviews I have seen her in the press tour i could feel a bit of awkwardness between her and the other actors.
