MovieChat Forums > Chyna Discussion > She was hated backstage. Probably the mo...

She was hated backstage. Probably the most disliked WWE wrestler to work with.

From watching interviews, a lot of people stated she had arrogance about her and how she thought she was hot shit and deserved more pay. The male wrestlers hated working with her and they felt they had to carry her during matches.

I believe her arrogance is the reason she was canned and not because of HHH and Stephanie. Not to mention, she had a host of mental problems which HHH probably saw in real life. I believe he made the correct decision to go with Stephanie given how crazy Chyna was in real life.

--Michael D. Clarke


I never followed WWF/WWE but I do remember hearing way back that she had mental issues.

Seem to remember she went into hardcore porn.


She definitely had issues. She seemed to get off falsely accusing people of raping her, so she can use the "victim" card.

She falsely accused Xpac and HHH of raping her. She even falsely accused an entire basketball team of raping her back in college when she just regretted it.

She was CRAZY.

WWE was smart to distance themselves from her.

--Michael D. Clarke


I think it was Adrianne Curry that talked about her problems? Some girlfriend of hers was pretty outspoken about it after her death. She was a apparently an Amy Winehosue level timebomb.
