MovieChat Forums > Ted Levine Discussion > Why didn't he get a nomination at least ...

Why didn't he get a nomination at least for Silence of the Lambs?

Assuming he didn't get the nomination, why do you think he didn't?


Cause most of Hollywood behind the scenes are great big fat people.


Cause most of Hollywood behind the scenes are great big fat people.

Are they size 14?


Assuming he didn't get the nomination, why do you think he didn't?

I think he wasn't nominated because the character of Jame Gumb/Buffalo Bill made people too uncomfortable in 1991--not because of the character's violent nature (Anthony Hopkins got the best actor award playing a cannibalistic serial killer, after all), but because of the character's sexual identity issue and the controversy surrounding it.

Also, as terrific as Ted Levine's performance is, it's a weird performance. For example, I think the "Goodbye Horses" dance scene is brilliant, but I could easily imagine a conservative academy voter watching it, wondering what the hell was going on, and immediately shutting off his or her VCR.


He didn't have enough screen time. His role was just a step above a cameo.


None of them wanted to f him.


Sure they did, they wanted to fuck the shit out of him.


I never thought of it, but he was great.

It's hard to look at his face and hear his voice he did such a great job.

He is lucky he got other types of parts.
