Ted's movies

I started the same thread on Tony's message board--here I'm looking for suggestions on any good Ted movies. Any movies that I haven't already seen.

I've seen Silence of the Lambs--pretty damn decent.

I saw Hills Have Eyes--bad movie that I should have turned off as soon as Ted's character was killed off but there ya go. There's an hour and a half I'll never get back.

I've seen Wild Wild West several times when it first came out--I loved that movie. I think one of the real big reasons it never took off was that you had a lot of young people going to see it because of Will Smith, and young people that just don't remember the show when it was on TV. I only saw the movie once at the theater--the rest of the times at home on tape--but as me and my son are walking out of the cinema, some guy behind us says "What the H was that? They didn't have all that stuff back then!" That just about says it. Well, uh, Wild Wild West wasn't Bonanza or Gunsmoke or Big Valley. That was what they did on that show--set it in the old west back in the 1800s and they had all these Get Smart gizmos. That was the hook. Having grown up watching every episode of the show, I can tell you the movie was pretty true to the TV show. The young kids who went to see Will Smith and who never saw the TV show just didn't get it. That's why it wasn't a hit.

What else....American Gangster. It was okay...another toupee movie....loved his character and so of course it was basically another bit part for him. I'd see it again if he had had a larger role in it.

Saw The Assasination of Jesse James. Had to PPV it but it was only five bucks and it was worth it. Damn decent movie if you ask me but again, Ted's bit-parting in that one.

Saw Evolution. Hated it but Ted did a good job in that one.

Saw Moby Dick. Outstanding. See it if you get the chance. It's hard to catch.

Guess I've seen a lot more of Ted's movies than Tony's. Anyone know of a movie of his I haven't seen that I should catch? Let me know. :)


I just got Harlan County War from netflix--it's on the tube now. Oooooh! This is the best I've ever seen Ted as far as appearance. Maybe it's because that's the kind of guy I always go for, except for the accent. Rofl. How clean and natural and attractive he is when they don't mess with his look so much. Basically they just put a hard hat on him and smeared him with a little coal dust. Love it. I've got a grin on my face right now that just won't come off.

Everyone kept saying to get this movie--can't get into the story just yet but I'm only ten minutes into it. The plot is interesting. No closed caption or language/subtitle function so I guess this was low budget--the accents are so thick, I'm missing a lot of the dialogue. Okay then, I'll just enjoy the view. :D

Added: Okay, movie's over. On a scale 1-10, I give it a 6, maybe a 7.

Any other Ted Levine movies anyone would suggest?

She may have a few miles on her but she's got a walk I can feel in my left pocket ~ Wings


Bullet, with Mickey Rourke.

Joyride, with Paul Walker ( Ted's voice only)

American Gangster

L.A. Riot Spectacular

Assassination of Jesse James


OMG. Just watched Bullet on youtube--thank God I didn't waste a netflix slot on this one. rofl. It was actually painful to watch. If anyone out there ever catches me trying to watch it again, drop me with a deer rifle.

You made me watch Mickey Rourke! Bad monkey! Bad bad monkey!

She may have a few miles on her but she's got a walk I can feel in my left pocket ~ Wings


Can anyone tell me which of Ted's movies are any good and that he doesn't have a bit part in? Aside from Silence of the Lambs and American Gangster, I haven't heard of any of these movies on his list. Is LA Riot Spectacular worth seeing? Most of the customer reviews on Netflix say it's bad.


She may have a few miles on her but she's got a walk I can feel in my left pocket ~ Wings
I think I'm finally getting the hang of sixth grade. ~ Monk


He has a good amount of screentime in "Wonderland". The movie contains a good deal of violence, though, some scenes I found hard to watch.


Thanx a bunch--I'll check it out!

She may have a few miles on her but she's got a walk I can feel in my left pocket ~ Wings
I think I'm finally getting the hang of sixth grade. ~ Monk


OMG. Mangler. I'm sure seeing Stephen King and Tobe Hooper on a project would have left one with much higher hopes....however we must still read scripts before signing on. I know Ted's got a family and so he's gotta make paper, but he's damn lucky his career was the hapless victim of poor judgement. I can't stop laughing.

If you're lucky enough to make it to the end, there's an hilarious scene where Ted and the other two main characters--don't know their names and don't care to--exorcise the demon out of a laundry folding machine. Shoot me.

One high point, depending on what you're into, is a lovely Ted Levine vomiting scene. It's all downhill from there. The script is abysmal (unfathomable--fitting) and Ted, though his acting is up to par, seems to struggle with the horrible writing, much the same as Tony Shalhoub seemed to in parts of Thir13en Ghosts. The acting for the rest of the cast is at about the level of community theater.

Mangler.....behold, the power of cheese. If you ever find yourself held hostage by anyone getting ready to play this movie, smash down the door--chew through your restraints---gnaw off a limb. Do whatever you have to to get the H out of there. There's just not enough beer in the world to make this a good movie.

Side note: Ted, I don't know what waterhead you have screening scripts for you but I'll do it for free--just to never have to see you make a movie that bad ever again. Call me. We'll do lunch.

She may have a few miles on her but she's got a walk I can feel in my left pocket ~ Wings
I think I'm finally getting the hang of sixth grade. ~ Monk


Has anyone seen Wiseguy? It's sounding like a pretty good movie and Ted's name is far enough up in the credits that it would seem he has screen time in this one. Can anyone recommend it?

She may have a few miles on her but she's got a walk I can feel in my left pocket ~ Wings
