Toupee on Monk?

I just saw him in "The Hills Have Eyes" and he was bald. I was quite surprised. Does anyone know which is his real hair? I mean he is probably wearing a toupee on "Monk" but it is possible that he could be wearing something to make him look bald in "The Hills Have Eyes" although I'm not sure why they would do that.


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I haven't seen his work in THE HILLS HAVE EYES, but for his MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA character he had thinning hair. I think that's his natural look. Great actor, great voice. Really good in WONDERLAND.


He's just one of many actors in Hollywood who wears a hairpiece for his work. Bruce Willis has been doing it since the early 90's, as Nick Cage has as well. They make them very realistic these days, for the right money.


After having watched him for years on Monk, and always having been suspicious, I saw him last night in Heat, where my suspicions were confirmed. It is a good piece.

I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I dunno. Nic Cage has had some real horrors.

"Dave's out.
I'm in.
And stop saying mock."


The show is requiring him to wear the toupee, as well as have that mustache-which, by the way, he says he does not like. In my opinion, he's a very sharp looking man as is--bald and graying. They've been gluing hair on that poor man since the series started. Doing some of the same to Tony as well. It's unfortunate.


Monk wears a piece? With that full head of thick curly hair? Really?

I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


Could be a toupe or just a weave of some kind--it's a small patch in the back, and artificial hair isn't noticed nearly so well in dark curly hair. His hairline in the front was also thinning and a little farther back in Wings so it's being "supplemented" there as well.

As for both Ted and Tony, both have gray hair also. They let the silver in Ted's sideburns show but both actors are touched up for gray elsewhere--it's probably being "Just For Men"-ed out of there. Sucks. Everything I find most attractive in men of this age is being younged out on the show....for the sake of what, I have no idea.

As a side note, only moderately related to the topic--what the H are they doing with the lipstick on Tony? There are several scenes in multiple episodes where his lips are bright red. It'll be pronounced in some scenes and not noticeable in others so whoever the makeup person is, they aren't adjusting for the different lighting from scene to scene either. I'd fire whoever that was that's slopping that stuff on him. It'd be okay in theater where the audience is so far back but it's wholly inappropriate for any filmed piece where the camera is right on top of you. For instance, in the pilot--where Adrian's in the woman's apartment--there are a couple shots where the lipstick is so red, he looks like Lucille Ball. "Hey Ricky! I wanna be in the show!"

Fire her quick--she doesn't know what she's doing. Hey lady--that's not a woman! That's a man! Lay off the Maybelline!
