MovieChat Forums > Ted Levine Discussion > TED LEVINE takes the sting out of high G...

TED LEVINE takes the sting out of high GAS PRICES...

I had the accidental good fortune to meet Mr. Levine at a crowded local gas station a couple hours ago. As I was waiting behind him while he gassed up at Pump #4, I complimented him on his car's bumper sticker and asked where he got it. He reached in his car to give me one and belatedly realized that they were in his 'other bag'. As I heard his distinctive voice I realized who he was and (after asking to make sure) shook hands with him and exchanged a few words.
Even though THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS is my all-time favorite, I later wished I had just thanked him for his very fine work without mentioning 'the movie'. He is probably mightily sick of hearing about that one role from so long ago. Sorry, Mr. Levine. It was a great pleasure to meet you and gas up at the same pump and I hope our candidate prevails.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


Thanks for your posting! What kind of car does he drive? (I am holding my breath because the biggest "environmentalist" in the US (read Nobel Prize) lives nearby and his lifestyle is one of tremendous excess (a carbon footprint the size of Rhode Island) so I'm hoping that Mr. Levine is a bit less showy.


Well, I was actually using the subject line because of the gas station setting and me being so thrilled at meeting him that I didn't mind the prices so much that day, however... at the time he was driving a low key/not brand new Volvo (I think they are noted for their safety-conscious design).
In my severely limited experience (a lucky 5 minutes) he is the antithesis of 'showy' - A decent, bright, thoughtful guy with a tremendous acting skill which he probably would rather people not make a big deal about. Casual clothes, low-key car, solid warm handshake and good ideas delivered in the distinctive voice.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


Thank you!! A Volvo is great.. and it seems to fit (you can keep them forever and they are supposed to be safe). I do envy your "lucky 5 minutes"! And thanks for the post.. it is amazing how someone with his acting skill can apparently be a kind and thoughtful person and not "showy".


BUMP for Zerbinetta72 -

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


Haha, thanks ndatmo-1! That meeting was a bit of good fortune indeed. With your current streak of luck, you'll probably bump into Anthony Hopkins next - keep fingers crossed.


Zerbi - It's kind of a retro-streak of luck...a couple years back I was booked 1 day to work background (be an extra) on FRACTURE as a courtroom spectator and Mr. Hopkins was working that day. I know it won't surprise you when I say that he is friendly*, very funny, down to earth and of course a relaxed and thoroughgoing professional. His back was to us as he waited to do a scene...wearing blue prison 'scrubs' and you could see the enraptured faces of 2 young Hispanic guys (extras) in the courtroom 'holding cell' as he talked with them for about 20 minutes while the crew set up equipment. They were thrilled and I wish we could have heard the conversation they had...a great story for them to take home that day.

*When he walked onto the set through the courtroom doors, he smiled broadly as he surveyed the room, waved and said to the extras nearest to him, "Hi, I'm Tony. How're ya doing?" Ya gotta love that! It's the best kind of disconnect - remembering all the roles you've seen him in and seeing him in 'real time'.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


"I know it won't surprise you when I say that he is friendly*, very funny, down to earth"

Doesn't surprise me really :) I watched a tv documentary about him years ago and that's exactly how he appeared. I still have to see the 'Fracture' movie, I've watched a good many of his older films but have to catch up on the newer ones...


I hope you've seen MAGIC, one of my favorite early Hopkins roles.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........
