
This is the first time I ever post a message here but I couldn’t wait any longer to express my feelings about this terrific actress and activist.
I just saw the film “Save Me” and once again, like many times before, I thought about how underused and underappreciated this wonderful gem of an actress is. I wish someone would give her that “big” part in a major movie that she deserves. It would be a gift for the whole world.
Is there anybody out there that shares my opinion?


I feel the way you do, but it seems she's having so much fun in all the roles she's doing lately. Save Me was an amazing effort on her part. I think it takes a real artist to pull off what she did. I'm not surprised as I saw her in Wit in NYC some years ago and it was a devastating performance that stays with me 'til this day.


she works A LOT and has had a very long career. but yes would be nice if she could get more film roles


I wholeheartedly concur!!


Agree, love her!
