MovieChat Forums > Melissa McCarthy Discussion > Thanks Melissa, but no thanks.

Thanks Melissa, but no thanks.

Don't get me wrong, I don't resent Melissa McCarthy in any way.
I'm glad she's had success. I just don't get it.
I've never found her funny, and worse yet, she's an unoriginal one trick pony who only plays one character. Finding something or someone humorous is a subjective matter, but I don't think her one-note style can be disputed.
I've seen people laud her as being a great comedienne but for the reasons above, I just can't agree with them. Every one of her films feels like a prolonged (and in my opinion, unfunny) skit.

The first thing I've seen her in was Identity Thief, with another one-note actor - Jason Bateman. Now, I find his type of humor/character much more palpable and I've enjoyed a bunch of his stuff, but I wouldn't call him a great comedian. I like his one character being put through various situations, but there's nothing beyond that.

I can't argue with the people who like Melissa McCarthy, because like I said, humor is subjective, but I'd like to know what the people who dislike her think about her success.

I think she's at her worse when she collaborates with Paul Feig, maybe because he lets his actors just ad-lib into oblivion.


I thought The Boss was pretty funny.


She is an actress I could never stand, even if everything else about the new Ghostbusters had been good, her casting alone ruined any excitement I could have had for the film. Now don't get me wrong I will watch a movie with her in it, it just I find her distinctly unfunny and if she needs to carry the film its a film that will fall flat for me.


It wasn't sexism that ruin the movie but McCarthy is one of those actresses that not many people care about, maybe it's because she's got a punchable face or she's not a hottie for young boys or she's a loud overweight woman, I don't know what it is.


Watch Bateman in The Gift, 2015. Surprisingly different...


Hey, one-note worked for Sandler, Belushi, Murray . . . the list is long. Most people have a bad sense of humor. Just read the posts on this site.
