MovieChat Forums > Kate McKinnon Discussion > She looks exactly like Starbuck from Bat...

She looks exactly like Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica

It was making my head explode I had to tell someone.

Also, She's a lot like a pretty Kristen Wigg without all the annoying characterizations.


Oh my God!!!! I am here cuz I thought on tonight's episode Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck) was on SNL!!!!! I totally didn't see the resemblance until tonight but now that I do it is so crazy cuz she totally does look like her!!!!


A shame that Battlestar isn't popular enough anymore to warrant a sketch from SNL. Such a waste.


i was thinking that myself....actually not that it isn't popular enough but the time gap already....if she had been on SNL while Battlestar was on I think they could have done one...I mean that Battlestar intro trailer in the style of Friends is going virl right now.....


Studies reveal she looks more like Faceman from the A-Team.


I'm glad that I'm no the only one thinking that.

dies ist meine unterschrift


Yeah, she does a little


My boyfriend though it WAS her. Then I noticed they had different colored eyes and had to look it up. Still, seeing Starbuck fighting ghosts would be pretty rad.


this is how i read your SUBJECT line:

She looks exactly like Starbucks from Barista Gal

My eyes were tripping I was thinking you had written it backwards as in

"She looks exactly like the Gal Barista from Starbucks"

ha ha thought that was funny.

I'm not crazy M'Lynn, I've just been in a very bad mood for forty years.
