Why the hate?

I'm not terribly familiar with her, but got sucked into the vortex of negative posts. It seems impossible that she could be universally awful to all creatures who enter her orbit. So I wonder: is it sparked by envy or gossip run rampant? Because I would be ecstatic if I could be as good-looking as her, but I'm not. And that doesn't make me angry at her- Good looks are a genetic crap shoot; they do not make a person "good" or "bad" any more than a disease such as cancer would. All the spew thrown at her sets off my Ronnie Rescuer instincts. Can't we just play nice?


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I was, also, interested in understanding the hatred that people [almost entirely other women] feel towards Eva Mendes and I think that I understand it a bit more now. I went to my local library and took out "The Notebook" the chic flick where Ryan plays leading man to Rachel McAdams who was, also, his real life girlfriend. The movie is a bit hokey, but lushly filmed, sweet and well acted. The chemistry between the leads is, also, good even though Ryan was supposed to have had enmity with Rachel during the filming.

I think that a lot of women are fixated on that movie and see Eva as some sort of evil interloper who has taken Ryan away from the woman that he is destined [in their eyes] to marry and that's Rachel McAdams.

Let me add, I think that there is also a dash of anti-Hispanic bigotry in the mixture. Ryan Gosling is considered one of the most desirable leading men in Hollywood, a real prize, and the thought that a Hispanic woman who is supposed to not be as attractive or desirable got the prize is just a bit hard for many women to swallow.

I think that's whats at the core of this hatred.


The hatred is really bad. I have been to other sites, and the comments really blew my mind.
The Divine Genealogy Goddess


It's jealousy, 100% jealousy and that does evil things to people.


@Raysand- you got it all in a nutshell.


It's jealousy, 100% jealousy and that does evil things to people

. She "stole Ryan Gosling from them...
"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"


Ryan who?


Raysand so true, I agree, and all due respect I don't even think Ryan Gosling is all that LOL. I think Leo Dicaprio is Hotter :) I am biased, he's Italian Like me :) I am Half Italian, half from Asturias, Spain :)

"young White Tall European Green eye Girl raised in the US that Loves Movies"

yes my signature :)
