No personality

I think she's beautiful and I'm sure she's a sweet girl, but she seems so dull.


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In his defense, the characters she plays seem pretty wooden.

Watch "Out of Time" for a perfect example.


"No personality"? I get the total opposite impression from her.


She has no screen presence.

And not much of an actress.


She's so beautiful? That's where I have issue? Have you seen her profile? Her nose would do the Wicked Witch of the West proud. Other than that, I agree on the personality. I saw her on Conan, she -tried- to be funny, she just came across as vapid and mean.


No personality? I guess that means you won't hang out with her anymore

"I told you it's not fat, it's power!"


No personality? I guess that means you won't hang out with her anymore


Some dudes marry dudes, get over it!


I'm so surprised at how much hating there is on Eva! I met her once, spent several hours around her and not only was she glamorous and lovely in person, she was really normal. Funny and self-deprecating and really, really nice. She was with her ex at the time, that producer guy, and he was really nice as well, if less gregarious. She and Melissa Joan Hart (oddly!) were my favorite celebs I met at that charity event. Nothing bad to say about either of them, ever.
