what a let down

after reading this i've gone off her:

when i saw her adverts for PETA (first of all don't assume i'm some mega obsessed PETA follower but i am anti-fur and i can safely say i don't wear anything that is real leather/animal skin) i thought wow she looks amazing and she's promoting a good cause.

but why on earth would you appear in an anti-wearing-animal campaign and then go out and wear animals every day? seems very hypocritical.

and i agree with someone else who called her a bimbo, she seemed promising when she first came out but now she doesn't do anything except appear naked.


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Dude, life feeds on life, and that's it. I love animals, and I don't want them abused, but I still eat steak and wear leather, and so did the native americans with buffalos. People don't have to be vegetarians to love animals. We need to eat meat, we need to wear cloths to stay warm (and leather is great for this), but we don't need to torture animals to death or kill them in mass droves (I'll make an exception on chickens, but I still don't think they should be mistreated before slaughter).

Eva Mendez is beautiful and I don't care if she is a bimbo I would be the happiest ever in my whole life to marry her and live in the Mediterranean. Screw you.


haha what a loser to settle with a bimbo because of physical appearance!

and try reading the last post before talking a load of BULL! i said about how she campaigned against wearing animals and then she goes out and wears animals. i never said anything about her diet choices.


and wearing something for a photoshoot is a lot different than actually purchasing it and wearing it day to day...

and lol @ the guy who would be the happiest ever marrying her, dude, superficial or what?

Allow myself to introduce...myself.


"I see no difference between plants and animals."

The difference is that plants don't have big brown eyes and eyelashes like my dog Skipper did.
