MovieChat Forums > Eva Mendes Discussion > What's all this anger about?

What's all this anger about?

I just don't get it. I've never seen or even imagined such acidic vitriolic pot shots taken at a woman who's only crime it seems is to have appeared in a few bad films and a few good films, the quality of neither ever resting on her shoulders and to have appeared nude a time or two (I can think of a number of great actresses (e.g.: Cherliz Theron, Venessa Redgrave, Julianne Moore, and on and on and on) who have appeared nude on film and nobody gives them s**t for it (nor should they).

What the heck is going on here? Are you all ex-boyfriends or guys she turned down at a bar once or wouldn't go out with in High School along with some girls jealous of her figure? Many of these threads remind me of the school bullies who harrassed that poor irish girl until she hung herself.

You all sound overly pissed off, overly judgemental, jealous, really, just a bunch of bullies.

Simply put: Eva Mendes hasn't yet done anything goood or bad enough to warrent these attacks. You all need to take a chill-pill.


Anonymity brings out the worst in a staggering number of people.

Personally, I think she's lovely, in that va-va-voom way of Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch.
Her acting has steadily improved.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


It's simple, they're jealous, being attractive sometimes can be a curse, I know it from experience, ugly people don't like you just because they envy your looks, it's quite pathetic actually! GO EVA!

Some dudes marry dudes, get over it!
